ment 4/15 '19 posted

• 블룸버그 기자는 반대의 공식 성명에도 불구하고 아마존이 전세계 수천명의 사람들로 구성된 "주석 팀"을 가지고 있으며, 직원과 계약 직원 모두가 Alexa 소유자가 자신의 장치 근처에 했던 대화를 듣고 있다는 것을 알게되었습니다

Enlarge / Illinois' Senate had a bill that would ban devices from eavesdropping…
Illinois bill banning eavesdropping by IoT devices defanged by tech lobby []
This week, Keep Internet Devices Safe Act was gutted by the Illinois senate: it…
Illinois almost passed a bill that banned devices that record you without your consent -- and then Big Tech stepped in []
An Illinois bill that sought to empower average people to file lawsuits against tech companies for…
Big Tech Lobbying Gutted a Bill That Would Ban Recording You Without Consent []

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4/15 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
4/15 '19 answered

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