Jeff Bezos challenges Amazon competitors to meet or exceed its new minimum wage []
Rival hits back after Amazon's Jeff Bezos throws down the gauntlet over pay []
Jeff Bezos uses annual Amazon letter as antitrust antidote: ‘Third-party sellers are kicking our first party butt. Badly.’ []
Jeff Bezos dares rivals to match Amazon's $15 minimum wage []
Jeff Bezos wants Amazon to fail more []
Jeff Bezos challenges retail rivals to outdo Amazon’s $15 minimum wage []
Jeff Bezos made a jab at eBay in annual letter to Amazon shareholders []
Jeff Bezos challenges retail rivals to top Amazon's $15 minimum wage []
Jeff Bezos says that Amazon needs to have multibillion-dollar failures to succeed []
Bezos is so predatory that he has turned Walmart into the good guy here.
— Matt Stoller (@matthewstoller) April 11, 2019
Our founder and CEO @JeffBezos today published his 2018 Letter to Shareholders. Read the full letter here.
— Amazon News (@amazonnews) April 11, 2019
Always a great of my favorite excerpts this year.... “Third-party sellers are kicking our first party butt. Badly.” And BTW thousands of people working hard everyday to make sure that continues!
— Dave Clark (@davehclark) April 11, 2019
Walmart EVP of corp affairs throws shade back at Bezos ?
— Lauren Thomas (@laurenthomasx3) April 11, 2019
Bezos seems to like start his long form writing with “Here’s something unusual”. This letter uses the same opening setup almost down to the exact word as his Medium post.
— Sriram Krishnan (@sriramk) April 11, 2019
A reminder that the median annual income for US men is $44,000 (2017), and median compensation for Amazon's full time US workers is $35,000.
— Shira Ovide (@ShiraOvide) April 11, 2019
(Amazon does have generous benefits, to be fair.)
$AMZN 2018 58% ... This 58% of unit volume is booked at 10 to 16% commission to top line. Using GMV as valuation and Platform Power metrics and growth, Amazon is grossly undervalued.
— Michael Bigger (@biggercapital) April 11, 2019
"Today I challenge our top retail competitors (you know who you are!) to match our employee benefits and our $15 minimum wage. Do it! Better yet, go to $16 and throw the gauntlet back at us. It’s a kind of competition that will benefit everyone." - @JeffBezos $AMZN
— Carl Quintanilla (@carlquintanilla) April 11, 2019
Hey retail competitors out there (you know who you are ?) how about paying your taxes? @JeffBezos
— Dan Bartlett (@danbartlett6) April 11, 2019
While I appreciate the ink dedicated to @ebay from the ceo of the company not focused on competition, think I”ll dedicate my letter to customers, purpose and strategy. We don’t compete with our sellers. We don’t bundle endless services to create barriers to competition.
— Devin Wenig (@devinwenig) April 11, 2019
gut reactions:
— Jason Del Rey (@DelRey) April 11, 2019
*highlights small biz sales to show amazon’s brands don’t kill sellers
*highlighting market share to show not a monopoly
*surprised he refers to echo as “always-on”
*Amazon reveals gross merchandise volume 1st time?
*not as interesting as past years. Distracted?
“My wage margin is your opportunity!”
— M.G. Siegler (@mgsiegler) April 11, 2019
In Amazon shareholder letter, Bezos says AWS targeting "specialized databases for specialized workloads" by @ldignan
— ZDNet (@ZDNet) April 11, 2019
— つしまようへい (@yohei_tsushima) April 11, 2019
Jeff Bezos challenges retail rivals to outdo Amazon’s $15 minimum wage @Vergeさんから
That so many retailers have voluntarily raised their minimum wages to $15 is proof of Fight for 15’s success
— Bryce Covert (@brycecovert) April 11, 2019
1 2 3 4 Bezos declares a price war...for minimum pay standard.
— Arindrajit Dube (@arindube) April 11, 2019
Amazon CEO and founder Jeff Bezos challenged his retail competitors to start a price war on the minimum wage they pay their employees (the company moved to $15/hour at the end of last year). Is this a bold move or a PR stunt?
— Shelly Palmer (@shellypalmer) April 11, 2019
Good move: “Jeff Bezos challenges retail rivals to outdo Amazon’s $15 minimum wage”
— Hadi Partovi (@hadip) April 11, 2019
제프 베조스, 주주에게 보낸 연례서신에서 최소시급 $15로 경쟁 리테일스토어에 도전해. 아마존, 작년 말 미국 최소시급 $15 인상 발표. 그러나 일부는 다른 혜택과 주식옵션 취소로 실수령액 더 줄어. 한편 타겟 2020년 말까지 시급 $15로 인상, 월마트 $11로 아마존에 뒤져.
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) April 11, 2019
Jeff Bezos challenges retail rivals to outdo Amazon’s $15 minimum wage
— The Verge (@verge) April 11, 2019
Sweeping the concurrent cut in incentive/stock pay under the rug and then going on a moral crusade to raise your rivals' costs is somewhere past chutzpah and approaching sleazy
— Max Gulker (@maxgAIER) April 11, 2019
이렇게 대기업 높은 분들끼리 트위터를 통해 공개적으로 ‘힙합 디스전’을 벌이면, 기업은 더 투명해지고, 최저임금은 오르고, 소비자의 선택지는 더 많아집니다.
— Goodhyun 김국현 (@goodhyun) April 12, 2019
점잖은 척 앞으로 나서지 않고 뒤로만 숨는 경영진을 은둔의 제왕 운운 용납하는 것이 반 자본주의적.
Jeff Bezos challenges retail rivals to outdo Amazon’s $15 minimum wage
— The Verge (@verge) April 11, 2019
Jeff Bezos challenges retail rivals to outdo Amazon’s $15 minimum wage
— ??Golden Resister ? (@rjcrock2003) April 11, 2019
lol this was very predictable
— Rakesh Agrawal (@RakeshAgrawal) April 11, 2019