Twitter limits daily follows to combat spammers []
Twitter Slashes Daily Follow Limit From 1,000 to 400 []
Twitter drops the number of people you can follow in a day []
To cut down on spam, Twitter cuts the number of accounts you can follow per day []
Twitter goes after spam with an obvious fix []
Twitter limits daily follows to combat spammers, from 1000 to 400 followers per day. #twitter #smm
— TwittaNerd™ (@LindoMyeni) April 9, 2019
#Twitter limits daily follows to combat spammers. Accounts will be limited to 400 follows per day. #INfosec #Socialmedia
— Reg Saddler (@zaibatsu) April 9, 2019
#Twitter limits daily follows to combat spammers
— Martin Cook (@Martin_Cook_) April 9, 2019
트위터, 스패머와 싸우기 위해 1일 팔로우 수 제한 1000명에서 400명으로 줄여. 400명도 여전히 많은 숫자로 이같은 숫자 제한 감소로 스패머 근절이 이뤄질 지는 미지수. 하루 400명 이상 팔로우 할 때 "당신은 현재 더 많은 사람을 팔로우 할 수 없다"는 경고 메시지 받게 됨
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) April 9, 2019
Twitter just took another big step to help boot spammers off its platform: it’s cutting the number of accounts Twitter users can follow, from 1,000 per day to just 400.
— Deborah Kay (@debbiediscovers) April 9, 2019
HALLELUJAH! Twitter is finally cracking down on Follow/Unfollow spammers!
— Matt Navarra (@MattNavarra) April 9, 2019
I still think a limit of 400 new follows per day is too high, but it's progress!
Sounds like an excuse to delete accounts Twitter doesn't like.
— polchinello ?⌛ (@donahuejm) April 9, 2019
Note: today election day in the Zionist Apartheids Regime...
? To cut down on spam, Twitter cuts the number of accounts you can follow per day | TechCrunch
New! To cut down on spam, Twitter cuts the number of accounts you can follow per day – TechCrunch
— Sheila G KAG2020! ???? (@TheSheilaG2020) April 9, 2019
Love this!!
— feedalpha (@feedalpha) April 9, 2019
To cut down on spam, Twitter cuts the number of accounts you can follow per day
Twitter is dramatically reducing the number of accounts users can follow each day. It's an effort to fight spam:
— CNN International (@cnni) April 9, 2019
follower churn...
— Goodhyun 김국현 (@goodhyun) April 10, 2019
여전히 하루 400명 팔로우했다가 다음날 400명 언팔하기 한달만 해도 상당히 팔로워수는 늘겠지요. 꼭 그렇게 살아야 하나 자괴감도 들겠지만.
Twitter 일일 팔로우수 제한을 1,000에서 400까지로
— editoy (@editoy) April 10, 2019
IMHO this doesn't really help a thing...if @Twitter is serious about this better to limit how many follows per minute or per hour...also 400 is still a ridiculously high #..i can't think of any sane reason to follow that many people in one day
— Beth Becker (@spedwybabs) April 9, 2019
To cut down on spam, Twitter cuts the number of accounts you can follow per day via @techcrunch
— Liberation Technology (@Liberationtech) April 10, 2019
“To cut down on spam, #Twitter cuts the number of accounts you can follow per day” #socialmedia
— Sean Joudry (@seanjoudry) April 8, 2019
To cut down on spam, Twitter cuts the number of accounts you can follow per day (from 1,000 to 400)...
— Wendy Shepherd (@wendyshepherd) April 9, 2019