Snapchat releases rebuilt Android app []
The story behind Snapchat's Android rebuild []
Snapchat updates Android app to fix camera and bugs after complaints []
For now, the goal is getting the Android version fixed as soon as possible. From there, the development team wants to focus on delivering new features while also working with Google and Apple on new augmented reality features. $SNAP
— Mike (@mtatsis) April 3, 2019
Hmm. Does this inspire anyone to go back when they're already so established on Instagram?
— Florence "U4EA" Ion (@Ohthatflo) April 8, 2019
Snapchat’s Android redesign is (finally) rolling out more broadly. This is what the entire company has been pinning near-term growth prospects on for the last 18 months.
— Alex Heath (@alexeheath) April 8, 2019
To @Android. Love, Snapchat. #SnapForAndroid
— Snapchat (@Snapchat) April 8, 2019
Snapchat releases rebuilt Android app
— The Verge (@verge) April 8, 2019
Snap is officially rolling out a faster version of its Snapchat Android app, which it's been rebuilding since the beginning of 2018 for better performance
— Glenn Gabe (@glenngabe) April 8, 2019
For now, the goal is getting the Android version fixed as soon as possible. From there, the development team wants to focus on delivering new features while also working with Google and Apple on new augmented reality features. $SNAP
— Mike (@mtatsis) April 3, 2019
It was fun to be a part of "a small band of like-minded thinkers quietly [...] building a framework that would serve as a foundation for a rewrite"
— Anton Lopyrev (@tokudu) April 3, 2019
Wouldn't have been possible without the amazing advancements in the Android ecosystem over the past many years. Proud of what we built and excited for where it will take us next.
— Ben Dodson (@bjdodson) April 3, 2019
I got to sit down for a delightful interview with a few good people over at @Snapchat a while back. Here's a bit about their Android rebuild.
— Joe Hindy (@ThatJoeHindy) April 3, 2019
‘힙’하다는 회사들에서 자주 보이는 iOS-안드로이드 앱간의 disparity.
— Goodhyun 김국현 (@goodhyun) April 9, 2019
차별하려고 그런게 아니라 경영진이 다 아이폰이라서 자사 안드로이드 앱의 처참한 상황을 잘 모르는 경우도 많음.
정말 힙하려면 두 종 다 휴대 권장.
Snapchat releases rebuilt Android app
— The Verge (@verge) April 9, 2019
Android Authority interviewed a handful of Snap execs about the new app
— Alex Heath (@alexeheath) April 8, 2019