ment 4/7 '19 posted

• Google은 지난 몇 달 간 Assistant의 기능을 대폭 개선하여 인터프리터 모드와 같은 새로운 기능을 추가했습니다. 그러나 오늘의 업데이트는 기본 사항을 개선하는 데 더 중점을 둡니다.
• 구글은 2 월에 이 방법을 테스트 한 것으로 보였습니다. 적어도 한 명의 사용자가 어시스턴트 답변에서 후원받는 결과를 보았을 때입니다.

Google Assistant for Android is getting a slew of improvements, mostly focusing on the…
Google Assistant gets new and improved answers on Android []
Google Putting More Interactive Results and Search Ads on AssistantPosted on April 6, 2019 by…
Google Putting More Interactive Results and Search Ads on Assistant []
New and improved answer styles are rolling out for Google Assistant, including more…
Google Assistant now shows ads in some answers []
Google is busy updating Google Assistant to give new and improved responses to…
Google Assistant reportedly showing ads for some users, but Australia seems to be spared .. for now []
Other upgraded searches include stocks (you'll see a stock…
Google Assistant offers livelier search results on Android []

Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
4/7 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
4/7 '19 answered

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