ment 4/6 '19 posted

• 팔로 알토의 스타 벅스 밖에서 Make America Great Again 모자를 쓰고있는 노인을 겨냥해 소리지른 음악 상점의 직원이 해고되었습니다.
• 캘리포니아 주 팔로 알토 출신의 레베카 만키 (Rebecca Mankey)는 74 세의 유대인 트럼프 후원자를 '인종 차별 주의자'와 '나치 (Nazi)'라며 자신의 공격에 대해 온라인에서 자랑하기 전에 규정했습니다.

Victor, a 74-year-old man from Palo Alto, California, said a woman began screaming and calling him…
Man wearing ‘MAGA’ hat says woman berated him at California Starbucks for supporting Trump []
Music store employee who abused an elderly man wearing a MAGA hat outside a Palo Alto…
Elderly Jewish man, 74, abused and called a Nazi at Starbucks by woman []
Breaking News EmailsGet breaking news alerts and special reports. The news and stories that matter,…
California woman fired after targeting man wearing MAGA hat in Starbucks []
A Palo Alto woman’s tirade against a 74-year-old man wearing a Make America Great Again hat inside…
Palo Alto woman yells at MAGA hat man in Starbucks []
CLOSE An incident at a California Starbucks involving a Make America Great Again hat has led to…
California woman fired after berating MAGA-hat wearing man at Starbucks []

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4/6 '19 answered

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