ment 4/6 '19 posted

• Apple (NASDAQ : AAPL)은 지난 달 Special Projects Group의 기계 학습 책임자로 Google (GOOG, GOOGL) 베타랑 Ian Goodfellow를 고용했습니다.
• Goodfellow는 최근에 Google의 Senior Staff Research Scientist로 근무했으며 이전에는 AI 연구 컨소시엄 OpenAI에서 근무했습니다.

Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) hired Google (GOOG,GOOGL) vet Ian Goodfellow last month as the Director of…
Apple hires Google's top AI expert []
Apple has poached another of Google’s top artificial intelligence researchers as part of the…
Apple has poached another of Google’s top AI researchers []

Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
4/6 '19 answered

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