The future of agriculture is computerized []
MIT’s ‘cyber-agriculture’ optimizes basil flavors []
‘Cyber agriculture’ could produce tastier crops []
An alternative to genetic modification of crops, Scientists at MIT have developed a ‘climate recipe’ where light, nutrients, temperature, and other ecological variables are optimized to maximise taste (for now but can also be applied to other features).
— Flor (@flor_enthus) April 4, 2019
The future of #agriculture is computerized Machine learning can reveal optimal growing conditions to maximize taste and other features. #AI #AgTech cc @ferrasnicolas
— Olivier Frey (@olivier_frey) April 4, 2019
Check out a new profile on our work @MIT — The future of agriculture is computerized | MIT News
— Caleb Harper (@calebgrowsfood) April 3, 2019
The future of agriculture is computerized #machinelearning #ml #datascience #bigdata #AI #DeepLearning #abunchofdata
— A bunch of data (@abunchofdata) April 3, 2019
Check out this @TechCrunch piece on our new paper : MIT’s ‘cyber-agriculture’ optimizes basil flavors – TechCrunch
— Caleb Harper (@calebgrowsfood) April 4, 2019
MIT’s ‘cyber-agriculture’ optimizes basil flavors
— Eric Rodgers (@ericfrodgers) April 3, 2019
AI is not only helping us to understand the world, it is helping to make it better.#agriculture #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning
— Gonçalo Peres (龚燿禄) (@GoncaloMPeres) April 5, 2019
Innovative! Researchers @MIT are using computer algorithms to determine the optimal growing conditions for plants, enhancing the human disease-fighting properties of herbs, maximizing taste and other features #ML #CyberAgriculture
— Kiran Mazumdar Shaw (@kiranshaw) April 5, 2019
The future of #agriculture is computerized
— C2M Platform (@C2MPlatform) April 4, 2019
cc: @m2m_competence @Macinecole @Oem_ww @mogomachine @mskaff @msdebbieallen @mdsimmonds
---#MachineLearning #agriculteurs #smartfarming #farming #connected #InternetOfThings #technology #transformation
The days when you could simply grow a basil plant from a seed by placing it on your windowsill and watering it regularly are gone. The future of pesto is here. @TechCrunch #AgTech #PrecisionFarming #FoodInnovation @medialab @calebgrowsfood
— Seeds&Chips (@SEEDSandCHIPS) April 5, 2019
MIT's 'cyber-agriculture' optimizes basil flavors via @techcrunch @phytoponics deep water culture
— Mark Hindmarsh (@MarkHindmarsh2) April 4, 2019