‘Nobel prize of computing’ reveals three winning fathers of AI revolution [www.siliconrepublic.com]
Turing Award 2018: Nobel Prize of computing given to ‘godfathers of AI’ [www.theverge.com]
Turing Award Won by 3 Pioneers in Artificial Intelligence [www.nytimes.com]
Are you a robot? [www.bloomberg.com]
British-Canadian AI expert Geoffrey Hinton wins Turing Award [www.bbc.com]
The 'Godfathers of AI' win Turing Award [mashable.com]
A big congratulations to our Chief AI Scientist @ylecun on receiving the ACM 2018 A.M. Turing Award alongside Yoshua Bengio and @geoffreyhinton! Read Yann's reflections on the early and ongoing work that led to today's deep learning revolution. https://t.co/uy9fJsxYkz
— Facebook AI (@facebookai) March 27, 2019
The technology they championed is central to every large tech company’s strategy for the future.
— WIRED (@WIRED) March 27, 2019
It’s how software in testing at Google reads medical scans, Tesla’s Autopilot reads road signs, and Facebook automatically removes hate speech. https://t.co/GpVtqraME4
Congrats to Geoff Hinton, Yoshua Bengio & Yann LeCun on winning this year's Turing Award. Their groundbreaking work on deep neural networks has transformed not just computing and AI, but nearly every other scientific field today https://t.co/EMJvX9UUip
— Sundar Pichai (@sundarpichai) March 27, 2019
I am extremely honored to be the recipient of the 2018 ACM A.M. Turing Award, and absolutely delighted to be sharing it with my friends and colleagues Geoffrey Hinton and Yoshua Bengio.
— Yann LeCun (@ylecun) March 27, 2019
NYT:... https://t.co/BIMuqDcZj0
For their pioneering work in deep learning, today three AI all-stars are receiving the #ACMTuringAward. Get to know Google Fellow Geoff Hinton, Yoshua Bengio and Yann LeCun → https://t.co/7yqPfiPzlH pic.twitter.com/Huoms0PynI
— Google (@Google) March 27, 2019
i remember when i was doing my phd a lot of us felt those "deep net folks" were kind of wasting their time.
— Pablo Samuel Castro (@pcastr) March 27, 2019
joke was on us.
_extremely_ well deserved for the _very_ important work, persistence, and vision of yoshua, @geoffreyhinton and @ylecun https://t.co/CjUaNYlCrS
Congratulations to Yoshua Bengio, @geoffreyhinton, & @ylecun on the Turing Award. Especial admiration for their fortitude in pursuing directions they believed were important, even though they were not fashionable for a long time https://t.co/nFDdTc22pl
— michael_nielsen (@michael_nielsen) March 27, 2019
Congratulations to @ylecun , Geoff Hinton, and Yoshua Bengio - 'Godfathers of Deep Learning’ - for 2018 ACM Turing Award, the Nobel Prize of computing https://t.co/nF1uIKGZsk
— KDnuggets (@kdnuggets) March 27, 2019
‘Godfathers of AI’ honored with Turing Award, the Nobel Prize of computing https://t.co/wh7sEus8QF pic.twitter.com/SBNy0ELWLj
— Cognilytica (@cognilytica) March 27, 2019
Turing Award 2018—‘Godfathers of AI’ honored with what might be described as the Nobel Prize of computing: https://t.co/xm12lGnIcz
— Graham Farmelo (@grahamfarmelo) March 27, 2019
‘Godfathers of AI’ honored with Turing Award, the Nobel Prize of computing https://t.co/Xvfzh5rG6t via @Verge
— Nicole Barbaro (@NicoleBarbaro) March 27, 2019
‘Godfathers of AI’ honored with Turing Award, the Nobel Prize of computing https://t.co/Q7uTTrUDdV
— Gunnar Blohm (@GunnarBlohm) March 27, 2019
‘Godfathers of AI’ honored with Turing Award, the Nobel Prize of computing https://t.co/felfmAdZI7 pic.twitter.com/m4Wp8fQ2Pq
— The Verge (@verge) March 27, 2019
Not one word about Marvin Minsky or John McCarthy. Not one.
— Morten Bay, PhD (@mortenbay) March 27, 2019
"Godfathers of AI" my ass. @colinkgarvey https://t.co/mpP40dzB7U
‘Godfathers of Deep Learning’ honored with Turing Award https://t.co/I4FbP1AATe via @Verge / But what a pity they forgot to honor Juergen Schidhuber https://t.co/Mph8HJMm3S @nnaisense
— Jakub Zavrel (@jakubzavrel) March 27, 2019
These are the “founders” of #AI https://t.co/OjuWUlDxGf
— R.Grossmann,MD, FACS (@ZGJR) March 27, 2019
A huge congrats to @ylecun for being awarded a Turing Award as a Pioneer in Artificial Intelligence ?
— Breizh Amerika (@BreizhAmerika) March 27, 2019
Read more ▶️ https://t.co/Y1W56PudzT https://t.co/Vu5NZEbw6H
A good example of the importance of steady funding on basic research when the application is not yet in sight. https://t.co/QlF2FnJ3L1
— Ying-Jer Kao (@yjkao) March 27, 2019
Brilliant academic work with huge practical impact.https://t.co/tUlkuiSjoj
— John Preskill (@preskill) March 27, 2019
Congratulations to @geoffreyhinton, Yann LeCun (@ylecun) and Yoshua Bengio, all three winners of the 2018 Turing Award. https://t.co/XFS5zcY5pz
— IJCAIconf (@IJCAIconf) March 27, 2019
Let me add my congratulations to @ylecun @geoffreyhinton and Yoshua Bengio for this well-earned recognition! https://t.co/QcyFcZ4e7d
— Thomas G. Dietterich (@tdietterich) March 27, 2019
These 3 were instrumental in making the world care about neural networks--which are behind some of the most powerful and important AI in use today. Turing Award Won by Three Pioneers in Artificial Intelligence https://t.co/mVnot7xhC1
— Rachel Metz (@rachelmetz) March 27, 2019
Turing Award Won by Three Pioneers in Artificial Intelligence March 27, 2019 at 04:30AM For their work on neural networks, Geoffrey Hinton, Yann LeCun and Yoshua Bengio will share $1 million for what many consider the Nobel Prize of computing. … https://t.co/RQOGpwLEPP pic.twitter.com/7CmzMeD7zB
— NewYork Times Tech (@Tech_NYT) March 27, 2019
"Three computer scientists who laid the foundations for many of the recent advances in #AI are being honored with this year’s #TuringAward" Read more via @business ? https://t.co/hpyeFpQcoo pic.twitter.com/JAONhUpLuK
— Booz Allen Hamilton (@BoozAllen) March 27, 2019
Congratulations @geoffreyhinton, @ylecun, and Yoshua Bengio on winning this year's Turing award for their pioneering work on #AI and #deeplearning ! So well deserved! https://t.co/uPeIF2meqQ
— Olga Troyanskaya (@OlgaTroyanskaya) March 27, 2019
Congratulations to three men who have completely changed the way we are and will interact with computers. Their research into neural networks is a kind of machine-learning software that loosely mimics the human brain https://t.co/0PyQtpz8cx via @technology
— Siobhan Aalders (@siobhana) March 27, 2019
BBC News - British-Canadian AI expert Geoffrey Hinton wins Turing Award https://t.co/E1StJzgBNS
— Simon Cocking (@SimonCocking) March 27, 2019
인공지능의 세 선구자에 의해 튜링 상을 수상 https://t.co/u5VDT4h3Ui
— editoy (@editoy) March 28, 2019
Congratulations to @geoffreyhinton, @ylecun, and Yoshua Bengio on winning the 2018 Turing Award! A huge honour for outstanding contributions to the development of AIhttps://t.co/UaM34jBbxw
— Mustafa Suleyman (@mustafasuleymn) March 28, 2019
Turing Award to the Deep Learning cadre!https://t.co/Skl0EQuVgP
— Carlos Greg Diuk (@carlosdiuk) March 27, 2019
‘Godfathers of AI’ honored with Turing Award, the Nobel Prize of computing. All three "Godfathers of AI" have supported the call for a ban on #autonomousweapons #CCWUN https://t.co/P3E2BgSc5n
— Paul Hannon (@PCHannon) March 28, 2019
Turing Award given to 3 researchers who laid foundations for #AI#artificialintelligence #AI #MachineLearning #ML #DL #BigData Cc @pierrepinna @DeepLearn007 @MikeQuindazzi @jblefevre60 @Fisher85M @TopCyberNews @andi_staub @ahier @SpirosMargarishttps://t.co/Hczq2HOB1j
— John C. Maxwell III (@maxjcm) March 27, 2019
Turing Award 2018: Nobel Prize of computing given to ‘godfathers of AI’ - The Verge https://t.co/IfxMu9wRPs
— Alex Combessie (@alex_combessie) March 27, 2019
‘Godfathers of #AI’ honored with #Turing Award, the #Nobel Prize of #computing. https://t.co/fQhugZ3TOz pic.twitter.com/IVZMnYqs6m
— life.ai (@yourlifeai) March 27, 2019
We're thankful for the work by Bengio, Hinton and Lecun, #deeplearning innovators that have paved the way for Blue Hexagon. We're excited about #deeplearning application in network #security https://t.co/qqaQS2rvZp
— Blue Hexagon (@bluehexagonai) March 27, 2019
Huge congratulations to @geoffreyhinton, @ylecun, and Yoshua Bengio for winning the Turing Award (the highest honour in Computer Science). Richly deserved recognition for pioneering deep learning and their outstanding contributions to modern AIhttps://t.co/fl4VsVsvRo
— Demis Hassabis (@demishassabis) March 27, 2019
Two observations about the Turing awardees—they worked on ideas that they believed in for a very long time even when these weren’t trendy. And, they were all “immigrants”.
— Suchi Saria (@suchisaria) March 28, 2019
Adding my congrats to @ylecun @geoffreyhinton & Yoshua for this special prize https://t.co/eVVxBxYtVM
Turing Award Won by Geoffrey Hinton, the "Godfather of Deep Learning" who stated we "should stop training radiologists now.” Is pathology next? Or is this a Theranos-esque failure of technologists to acknowledge ignorance of medicine? #pathai #pathology https://t.co/SxhYY7rgjE
— Toby C. Cornish MD, PhD (@TobyCornish) March 28, 2019
Hats off to @ylecun @geoffreyhinton and Yoshua Bengio, winners of the Turing Award for their pioneering work in deep learning - an essential part of Jungle's #AI toolbox. https://t.co/AZSi9kfH8S #deeplearning #TuringAward
— Jungle AI (@jungle_ai) March 28, 2019
Congrats to the godfathers of AI, @ylecun, Yoshua Bengio, and Geoff Hinton for winning the 2018 Turing Award for their work in deep learning! https://t.co/LlYeFEldDg
— deeplearning.ai (@deeplearningai_) March 27, 2019
Turing Award Won by 3 Pioneers in Artificial Intelligence https://t.co/dWIR5HoRXD #TuringAward #ai #ArtificialIntelligence pic.twitter.com/BRO48cDnTv
— Nige Willson (@nigewillson) March 28, 2019
Congratulations to #AI pioneers on #TuringAward: @element_ai co-founder, @MitacsCanada professor & @UMontreal’s Yoshua Bengio, along with @UofT ’s Geoffrey Hinton & NYU’s @ylecun for #DeepLearning revolution. https://t.co/9tdCBu7SXn
— Mitacs (@MitacsCanada) March 28, 2019
#TuringAward Champs!
— Ofinni Oluwaseun Abel (@AbelOfinni) March 27, 2019
3 Pioneers in #AI: @ylecun , @geoffreyhinton and Yoshua Bengio have won this year's Nobel Prize of Computing and ($1M-to be shared). They worked on key #NeuralNetworks that are reshaping computing.
Read here:
@DataScienceNIG #DL pic.twitter.com/VD2AWC8s4f
今年のチューリング賞はLeCun, Hinton, Bengioにニューラルネットの研究についてhttps://t.co/ctsKnLNS2X ところでこの記事のタイトルが「AIの先駆者」とあったが、それはミンスキーとかマッカーシー(ともにチューリング賞受賞者)とかに対する評じゃないのかなぁ。
— シータ (@Perfect_Insider) March 28, 2019
Congratulations to the Turing Award Won by 3 Pioneers in Artificial Intelligence https://t.co/msIUVMFVWK, #AI , #ArtificialIntelligence, #DeepLearning, #MachineLearning, #healthcareIT, #ML #Classification #Regression #Clustering #NeuralNetworks #BigData #Analytics ,
— Aziz Nazha (@AzizNazhaMD) March 28, 2019
Congratulations to Yann LeCun, as well as the two other AI pioneers, for winning the Turing Prize. His work on the practical implementation of convolutional neural networks has has been conducted when he was member of Nokia Bell La…https://t.co/DW4o28sy29 https://t.co/LWjJzUTqov
— Nicolas Dupuis (@nicdps) March 28, 2019
Congratulations to AI pioneers @ylecun, Geoffrey Hinton & Yoshua Bengio, who have been awarded the prestigious Turing Award ? They've worked on major developments for neural networks, which are transforming the way in which we build computer systems ?✨https://t.co/fTQNpxd0bp
— #VivaTech (@VivaTech) March 28, 2019
Well done and well deserved! @geoffreyhinton @ylecun & #YoshuaBengio https://t.co/H4NYJO0Yib
— Maja Pantic (@MajaPantic70) March 28, 2019
In interview @geoffreyhinton says he still believes sufficiently large deep learning systems will deliver AGI; disparages hybrid approaches advocated by @GaryMarcus and others. https://t.co/rJFaz8WJtB
— Jeremy Kahn (@jeremyakahn) March 27, 2019
Turing Award Winners 2019 Recognized for Neural Network Research - https://t.co/niGZcvWWlV
— Jamie Beach (@JamieBeach) March 28, 2019
Hinton, Bengio and Lecun, Three ‘Godfathers of Deep Learning’ Selected for Turing Award https://t.co/EUBlSZP59h
— Pierre Levy (@plevy) March 28, 2019
“I think we will discover that conscious, rational reasoning is not separate from deep learning but a high-level description of what is happening inside very large neural networks,” (Hinton). https://t.co/nV5p5qbzmR Not sure to agree with a Turing award. Strange feeling :) 1/?
— Laurent Simon (@lorensipro) March 28, 2019
"I think we will discover that conscious, rational reasoning is not separate from deep learning but a high-level description of what is happening inside very large neural networks.” https://t.co/JdIj50gMAF
— NealShusterman (@NealShusterman) March 28, 2019
Congratulations to the two #Canadian ‘Godfathers of Deep Learning’ , Bengio and Hinton, selected for Turing Award - enablimg #AI in #MedicalImaging https://t.co/q0phGe5xdQ @CAMRT_ACTRM
— François Couillard (@couillardf) March 27, 2019
Deep Turing https://t.co/NxNLYdT9YC
— Ian Foster (@ianfoster) March 27, 2019
British-born artificial intelligence (AI) expert Geoffrey Hinton has won the Turing Award, sometimes referred to as "the Nobel Prize of computing".
— mindsync (@mind_sync) March 28, 2019
read more: https://t.co/akN5kHc4qd#AI #mindsync #BigData #platform #mindsync pic.twitter.com/OhKOflhA7y
BBC News - British-Canadian AI expert Geoffrey Hinton wins Turing Award -
— UCC Ireland (@UCC) March 28, 2019
His great-great-grandfather George Boole was UCC's first Professor of Mathematics!https://t.co/FSxJN9lN3L
BBC News - British-Canadian AI expert Geoffrey Hinton wins Turing Award https://t.co/n39DSdgaTC #AI #ArtificialIntelligence
— Johan Steyn (@tboftesting) March 28, 2019
Congratulations AI experts Geoffrey Hinton, Yoshua Bengio and Yann LeCun who have won the Turing Award, sometimes referred to as "the Nobel Prize of computing. https://t.co/icv5HCvmXI
— Virtual Colossus (@VirtualColossus) March 27, 2019