ment 3/27 '19 posted

• 애플 뉴스 플러스의 모든 발행물을 개별적으로 구독한다면 1 년에 8,000 달러 이상을 지불해야하지만, 뉴스 플러스 가격은 한 달에 9.99 달러가 될 것이라고 애플은 말하고 있습니다.
• 호주와 영국은 금년 가을에, 나머지 유럽 국가들은 나중에 나올 것입니다.
• 그러나 월스트리트 저널, 로스 앤젤레스 타임즈, 내셔널 지오그래픽 매거진, 피플 매거진 (People Magazine)과 같은 기사를 비롯한 많은 다른 것들을 제공합니다.
• Apple은 매월 50 억 건이 넘는 기사가 Apple News에서 매월 읽히고, 편집 큐레이터와 장치내 기계 학습을 결합함으로써 Apple News 앱이 다양한 관심을 충족시키고 심층적인 저널리즘을, 사용자의 개인 정보 침해 없이 촉진할 수 있다고 선전했습니다.
• 강조점은 큐레이션, 고품질 및 신뢰입니다.이 모든 것은 Apple이 뉴스 및 잡지 소비 앱에 필수적인 것으로 간주합니다.
• "Apple 뉴스에서 읽은 내용은 웹을 통해 여러분을 따라 다니지 않습니다."

Apple has just revealed its new Apple News Plus service, which adds magazines to the Apple News…
Apple launches $9.99 Apple News Plus with more than 300 magazines []
Apple announced its Apple News Plus subscription at its “show time” keynote, and it’s available…
Apple News Plus: price, release date and how to sign up []
What can you expect from Apple News Plus, the new subscription news service from the maker of the…
Here's a look at Apple News Plus, the new subscription news service []
Apple is about to find out.The tech giant is pitching itself as a friend to the news industry,…
Apple News+: Apple wants to sign you up for a digital newsstand []
We've detected unusual activity from your computer network To continue, please…
Are you a robot? []
Update: It appears Apple has fixed the crashing problem with a server-side change. The…
Apple News app crashing for many iPhone and iPad users after updating to iOS 12.2 []
Following yesterday's release of iOS 12.2 and macOS 10.14.4, and the launch of the Apple News+…
Apple News is Crashing for Some Users on iOS 12.2 and macOS 10.14.4 [Fixed] []
For most users experiencing the issues, the crash seems to…
Apple News app kept crashing after iOS 12.2 update []
At the "It's Show Time" media event held earlier today at the Steve Jobs…
Apple Announces Apple News+ Service for Magazines: Our Overview and First Impressions []
Apple just announced its subscription news service, called Apple News+, amid a…
What it costs and how it works []
Apple Arcade Will Arrive In Fall 2019 By Jenni . March 25, 2019 . 11:09am   Apple has announced…
Apple Arcade Will Arrive In Fall 2019 []
So many magazines.Screenshot: Andrew Liszewski (Apple)As expected, today Apple unveiled its…
Apple Launches Its News+ Paid Subscription Service []
(Reuters) - Apple Inc’s Apple News+ service will offer content from 300 popular magazines and…
Apple News+, at $10 a month, could deliver more content than multiple subscriptions []
As expected, Apple just held a press conference revealing a slate of paid…
Apple Owns Your Life With Apple Arcade, Apple News+, Apple Card, and Apple TV+ []
(Reuters) - Apple Inc’s Apple News+ service will offer content from 300 popular magazines and…
Apple News+, at $10 a month, could deliver more content than multiple subscriptions []
Apple has announced its own game subscription service, Apple Arcade, as a pay-for-access library of…
Apple announces its own game subscription service, Apple Arcade []

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3/27 '19 answered

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