ment 3/26 '19 posted

• 이것이 의미하는 바는 애플이 고출력 충전기를 상자에 넣음으로써 고객의 구매 필요성을 제거할지라도, 애플은 여전히 별도로 판매 할 수있는 충전 관련 액세서리를 가지고있을 것이라는 것입니다. (AirPower 덕에)

Triple-cameras on a single model or more, rumors are all over the place regarding the 2019 iPhone…
2019 iPhone 11 could wirelessly charge your accessories []
It’s been a few months since the 2018 iPhones launched, but Apple is undoubtedly hard at work on…
2019 iPhone tipped to offer reverse wireless charging []
The next Apple Watch may be able to charge wirelessly by harnessing the power of a connected…
Apple Watch Series 5 may be able to use the next iPhone to charge wirelessly []
Photo: Alex Cranz (Gizmodo)Small-handsed iOS fans all over the world should be pleased today. Just…
iPhone SE Returns to Apple Store for as Little as $250 []

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3/26 '19 answered

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