Hands-On With Google Stadia: Does The New Game-Streaming Service Work? [www.gamespot.com]
Data caps must die: How Google and Microsoft's cloud gaming ambitions could conquer ISP greed [www.pcworld.com]
All the Game Streaming Services Google Stadia Is Up Against [gizmodo.com]
Hands-On With Google Stadia [www.ign.com]
There's A Lot To Worry About With Google's Stadia [digg.com]
Data caps must die: How Google and Microsoft's cloud gaming ambitions could conquer ISP greed https://t.co/aXkReNMrsQ pic.twitter.com/LE72N2vBaV
— Rich Tehrani (@rtehrani) March 22, 2019
We went hands-on with Google's Stadia and played a few game demos. How well do they stream? Mostly okay...but we have some concerns. https://t.co/rR78MCyrt2 pic.twitter.com/IFyZBxfWhS
— IGN (@IGN) March 22, 2019
good morning! @mathewolson and i chatted about google stadia, The Most Capitalist Video Game Console Yet https://t.co/2ngzeNX4V0
— steve rousseau (@steverousseau) March 22, 2019
There's A Lot To Worry About With Google's Stadia https://t.co/m22pEgIPex #diggbloggamingtechnologybusinessgaminggoogle pic.twitter.com/mFmpFn5ydb
— Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel) March 22, 2019
Come on. We all know who the real winner is ? "Cough @shadow_Official " https://t.co/dKERGimPQt
— Super Happy & Gaming (@ShagGaming) March 22, 2019
Best discussion I’ve seen so far on why Stadia is another rent-seeking nightmare that will do little if anything to make games better, and potentially a lot to worsen situations, all brought to you by megacorp that doesn’t give a shit https://t.co/npT1DxOSLS pic.twitter.com/FwVB1mX0i2
— Naomi Clark [暗悪・直美] (@metasynthie) March 22, 2019
I've spent this whole week compiling a mountain of Stadia negativity in my head, and I hadn't even considered the notion that it would likely destroy modding https://t.co/3d9geGkxPw pic.twitter.com/oeVYlIPyNW
— Matt Gerardi (@Gerardi) March 22, 2019