Apple teams with media literacy programs in the US and Europe []
Apple is going to educate the US and Europe on how to avoid fake news []
Battle against fake news comes as Apple preps to become publishing titan []
Apple backs news literacy programs in US and Italy []
Apple backing three media literacy programs to combat fake news in the US and Europe []
Apple teams with media literacy programs to fight fake news []
Proud to be supporting @NewsLitProject, @CommonSense and @opge to help students develop strong critical thinking skills and be better informed citizens.
— Tim Cook (@tim_cook) March 19, 2019
Surprisingly little information is presented in this press release about the media literacy initiative from @apple @commonsense @NewsLitProject @opge What are the goals? What actions will be taken? How much money was granted? Who will benefit?
— Renee Hobbs (@reneehobbs) March 20, 2019
“We’ve been impressed by the important work being done by the News Literacy Project, Common Sense and Osservatorio, empowering young people to be active and engaged citizens.” - @tim_cook announcing grants to @NewsLitProject & 2 other orgs.
— Walt Mossberg (@waltmossberg) March 19, 2019
Apple teams with@commonsense and other media literacy programs in the US and Europe to Encourage Critical Thinking and Empower Students to be Better Informed
— Merve Lapus? (@molapus) March 20, 2019
Smart move on the part of @Apple...would be great to see other tech companies jump on board and do the same #smarthome #smarthouse @NewsLitProject
— Mark Vena (@MarkVenaTechGuy) March 20, 2019
Apple teams with media literacy programs in the US and Europe including @NewsLitProject
— Damaso Reyes (@damasoreyes) March 19, 2019
So this happened today... a partnership between @CommonSense and @Apple #media #news #literacy
— Ilana Lowery (@LoweryInk) March 19, 2019
This is an important project. Develop critical thinking around reading the news.
— Bena Kallick (@benakallick) March 20, 2019
Apple steps into journalism funding arena with focus on news literacy. Beneficiaries: @NewsLitProject, Common Sense, Osservatorio Permanente Giovani-Editori. Involved on some level in all three so I'm happy for them. Look forward to hearing more detail.
— Vivian Schiller (@vivian) March 19, 2019
As a teacher who uses NLP resources & board member, thank you Apple for your new media literacy initiative and support for the @NewsLitProject . “We’ve been impressed by the important work being done by the News Literacy Project” Tim Cook, Apple CEO.
— Ms. Ramos (@ramosclass) March 19, 2019
After @Facebook, now @Apple's turn to fund media literacy programs in the US and Europe with @NewsLitProject et al
— Raju Narisetti (@raju) March 20, 2019
Apple teams with media literacy programs in the US and Europe - New Initiative to Encourage Critical Thinking and Empower Students to be Better Informed
— Ismael Nafría (@ismaelnafria) March 20, 2019
From Apple's announcement of its new initiative: “News literacy is vital to sustaining a free press and thriving democracy, and we are proud to be collaborating with organizations on the front lines of this effort,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. More at
— Walt Mossberg (@waltmossberg) March 19, 2019
Battle against fake news comes as Apple preps to become publishing titan by @lukedormehl
— Cult of Mac (@cultofmac) March 20, 2019
@AppleEDU backing three media literacy programs to combat fake news in the US and Europe. Saw a few people sharing this yesterday. Exciting stuff #AppleEDUChat #iPad4EDU
— ?????? ℂ????? (@mcoutts81) March 20, 2019
Apple backing three media literacy programs to combat #fakenews in the US and Europe via @apollozac
— Brian Solis (@briansolis) March 20, 2019
디지털 시대를 사는 우리도 코딩교육에 들이는 열정 반만이라도 리터러시 교육에 신경 써야겠습니다. ‘기레기’라고 혐오하는 건 쉬워도, 그래서 무슨 저널리즘을 어떻게 만들어갈지 이야기 안 하면 제4부를 잃고 말아요.
— Goodhyun 김국현 (@goodhyun) March 21, 2019
New Initiative to Encourage Critical Thinking and Empower Students to be Better Informed by @AppleEDU & @CommonSenseEd
— Satyendra Arora (@SatArora) March 21, 2019
Apple teams with media literacy programs in the US and Europe - Apple
— Edward Ferguson (@EdwardFerguson_) March 20, 2019
ICYMI - Battle against fake news comes as Apple preps to become publishing titan by @lukedormehl
— Cult of Mac (@cultofmac) March 21, 2019
ICYMI: Battle against fake news comes as Apple preps to become publishing titan by @lukedormehl
— Cult of Mac (@cultofmac) March 21, 2019