Oculus Quest’s powerful, portable VR, as proven by the fun of Beat Saber [arstechnica.com]
Higher Resolution, 5 Camera Inside-Out, $399 [uploadvr.com]
Oculus unveils the Rift S, a higher-resolution VR headset with built-in tracking [www.theverge.com]
The Oculus Rift S is real and arrives in spring for $399 [techcrunch.com]
Oculus Rift S: Everything you need to know [www.windowscentral.com]
Oculus launching higher-res Rift S headset with new inside-out tracking for $400 this spring [www.pcgamer.com]
Oculus Rift S VR Headset: An Upgraded Virtual Reality Experience [www.anandtech.com]
Oculus Rift S versus Oculus Rift: the spec comparison chart [venturebeat.com]
Hands-on with the new $399 Oculus Rift S: More pixels, zero webcams, better fit [arstechnica.com]
Oculus Rift S Is Official: 1440p LCD, Better Lenses, 5 Camera Inside-Out Tracking, Halo Strap, $399 https://t.co/1RqMheEKqM
— robertogeek (@Robertogeek) March 20, 2019
— Eji (@ejiwarp) March 20, 2019
IPD調整構造はパルマ本人の目も使えるなので、Rift Sは創始者が使えないことに、そりぁみんな怒るわ....
誒?改規格 + 改名了... https://t.co/AH4xIHzJ6W
— Po-chiang Chao (@bobchao) March 20, 2019
Oculus Rift S announced! ....aaaaannnndd it has a halo strap. ? Why do people like those things? I have NEVER worn one that I felt fit me properly. https://t.co/CyCrytntOb
— Brandon Jones (@Tojiro) March 20, 2019
Oculus unveils the Rift S, a higher-resolution VR headset with built-in tracking https://t.co/nscLw72X1C pic.twitter.com/yxlZTUJY6r
— The Verge (@verge) March 20, 2019
【Oculus Rift Sまとめ】
— Nakaji Kohki / Lyrica-chan @GDC?? (@nkjzm) March 20, 2019
- Riftの後続機(PC必要)
- Inside-Out方式(外部センサーが不要に)
- 高解像度化、LCDパネル(Goと同じ)
- 価格は$399(Questと同じ)
- FPSは90->80に
買い換えるほどではないけど新しく買うなら間違いなくコレ、という感じですね。#mercariGDC #GDC19https://t.co/pN8Lrus2tL pic.twitter.com/7a9HJ913HS
Last October, TechCrunch reported that Oculus was cancelling an ambitious redesign project in favor of a more modest headset called the Rift S with inside-out tracking and a minor display resolution bump https://t.co/8HeFZxp5Zp
— Lucas Matney (@lucasmtny) March 20, 2019
Here is that headset:https://t.co/EPrk51LX64
ここからトレーラーが観られる。インサイドアウトトラッキング用のセンサーが5個あるみたいだけど、前面2つ、サイド2つ、あと一つが確認できない。どれだ…?#mercariGDC #GDC19
— Nakaji Kohki / Lyrica-chan @GDC?? (@nkjzm) March 20, 2019
Introducing Oculus Rift S https://t.co/8hFUdSbMvU via @YouTube
A new high end VR headset from @oculus has been unveiled! Check out the Oculus Rift S. Preorder now! (price TBC) https://t.co/z5HCBKMWKG https://t.co/hvYqaGTocP
— Overclockers UK (@OverclockersUK) March 20, 2019
It's not just the Quest this year. Check out the Rift S. #VRhttps://t.co/lXywB0MUSk
— Alexia Mandeville @ GDC (@flex_mandeville) March 20, 2019
Bye bye external sensors?
— TecDesign (@TecDesign_VR) March 20, 2019
But what about FOV improvements? And single cable = VirtualLink?https://t.co/8WDoUQR38C#OculusRiftS #VR #virtualreality #gamedev #unity3d #
Here is Oculus Rift S, meanwhile Sony still can't put thumbsticks on moves lolhttps://t.co/Iumso4NuKS
— Polish Paul VR (@PolishPaulVR) March 20, 2019
(Disclaimer: I still love my PSVR, I think it's awesome)
Oculus Rift S announcement. $399 (roughly around £300 in Uk i'm guessing)https://t.co/cyI7gWcFlK
— lakuza (@LakuzaVR) March 20, 2019
inside out tracking, new lens, 1 cable only and easier to set up, new controllers and some other small stuff
오큘러스 리프트 S 공개https://t.co/c4xiktRlzW pic.twitter.com/ymudPuBgnA
— 蓮桜花 (@lenouka_) March 20, 2019
Introducing Oculus Rift S https://t.co/lCQ6RAvIj4 @YouTubeさんから
— 鉄下駄 (@steel_can) March 20, 2019
#Oculus Rift S confirmed! It will use @Oculus Insight (inside out tracking), Passthrough+, shared platform with Rift for $399. Looks like it uses the same controllers as the Quest. ? #GDC19 Trailer: https://t.co/lr1zFDMjWt pic.twitter.com/coYZk1NHET
— Cas and Chary VR ? PAX East (@CasandChary) March 20, 2019
The new Rift S looks to address my biggest complaint from the original Rift: resolution. It’s now 1280×1440 instead of 1080×1200 per eye. https://t.co/4Wnv44V8Ht
— Steve U (@uffel) March 20, 2019
Yes, the Oculus Rift S exists, and I went hands on this week to test its increased resolution, its new built-in sensors, and its improved strap. Tons more about this effective Oculus Rift replacement at @arstechnica today: https://t.co/15QvzcEPkS
— Sam Machkovech ☕ GDC (@samred) March 20, 2019
Hands-on with the new $399 Oculus Rift S: More pixels, zero webcams, better fit https://t.co/rOS43roO3G by @samred
— Ars Technica (@arstechnica) March 20, 2019
Oculus is launching higher-res Rift S headset with new inside-out tracking for $400 this spring https://t.co/cIwIcbra9K pic.twitter.com/72ieuiG4IM
— PC Gamer (@pcgamer) March 20, 2019
Oculus launching higher-res Rift S headset with new inside-out tracking for $400 this spring https://t.co/6VJIcuvdOy
— PC Gamer feed (@PC_Gamer) March 20, 2019
Might make the jump from Vive. idkhttps://t.co/sNgO0lsuEJ
— Jake Baldino (@JakeBaldino) March 20, 2019
Yes, the Oculus Rift S exists, and I went hands on this week to test its increased resolution, its new built-in sensors, and its improved strap. Tons more about this effective Oculus Rift replacement at @arstechnica today: https://t.co/15QvzcEPkS
— Sam Machkovech ☕ GDC (@samred) March 20, 2019
One step closer ? (literally!) to a mainstream marketing channel. From #GDC19 Facebook & Oculus launch Rift S and Quest VIrtual Reality Headsets -> https://t.co/gEfiAy3qaN #AR #VR #Ai #GDC2019 @FacebookGaming @oculus @Official_GDC @UploadVR pic.twitter.com/5K3ujApfj3
— Michael Davis (@michaeldavis777) March 20, 2019
Oculus unveils the Rift S, a higher-resolution VR headset with built-in tracking https://t.co/SjL4H8xemh @Vergeさんから
— Etsuji Kameyama (亀山) (@kurakura) March 21, 2019
Oculus unveils the Rift S, a higher-resolution VR headset with built-in tracking - The Verge. Is this #EVRHs next new app device or the Quest? https://t.co/1Le77nc1TC
— Mushroom Man (@TheMushr00mMan) March 20, 2019
I'm so hype for for this. Better specs no sensors ahhhhhh gimmmeee!https://t.co/yfA5ohijah
— Darkakri (@DarkAkri) March 20, 2019
Oculus unveils the Rift S, a higher-resolution VR headset with built-in tracking https://t.co/huF8EIzJKQ via @Verge
— Sam Decker (@samdecker) March 20, 2019
pleasant surprise:
— Aaron Ng ? (@aaronykng) March 20, 2019
• higher resolution
• inside out tracking (no external sensors)
• better displayhttps://t.co/XFABVhcnll
The Oculus Rift S, a next-gen VR headset without external sensors, has been announced at #GDC19:https://t.co/JPGMASDaWy pic.twitter.com/8jEmkEMSAv
— Ryan Brown ? (@Toadsanime) March 21, 2019
Oculus Questは元々 買うつもりでいるけど、Rift Sも気にはなる。
— シワスタカシ:サブ (@shiwasutakashi_) March 20, 2019
◾︎Introducing Oculus Rift S https://t.co/zy494j0c7x
Oculus announced the next-gen Rift called Rift S today. But you're still tethered to the PC, and I'm tired of the cord, so I'm skipping it.https://t.co/RxLipcZbz5https://t.co/T1UQ7Kuiat
— Artem Russakovskii (@ArtemR) March 20, 2019
Launching "this spring" around same time as Oculus Quest.
— Rob Crasco #VR #AR #AI (@RoblemVR) March 20, 2019
Hands-on with the new $399 Oculus Rift S: More pixels, zero webcams, better fit https://t.co/wKLnkT5Lt6 pic.twitter.com/uxROzmVlaZ