AppleCare+ status/buy option in Settings discovered in code by @_inside (https://t.co/R36dEzbNY1) now viewable in iOS 12.2 betahttps://t.co/dX8B7rRgfC pic.twitter.com/l3m8gn4IrS
— Zac Hall (@apollozac) March 18, 2019
Wearables | Apple releasing sixth iOS 12.2 developer beta today [U: Now available] https://t.co/tG48X5jIp3 | @9to5mac pic.twitter.com/3q2WYJEO6I
— AppleWatchGuru (@AppleWatchGuru) March 18, 2019
It's getting close! Latest iOS 12.2 beta includes support for AirPower charging mat as release appears imminent https://t.co/UTuAyC6nSZ
— Michael Kukielka (@DetroitBORG) March 19, 2019
It seems too good to be true... but AirPower might actually be releasing soon https://t.co/J3aKeMW2qh
— Tailosive Tech (@tailosivetech) March 19, 2019
— ものくろ (@monoqlo) March 19, 2019
Latest iOS 12.2 beta includes support for AirPower charging mat as release appears imminent - 9to5Mac https://t.co/pTJrycRMfn
AirPower has been an incredible roller-coaster of "will they or won't they".https://t.co/0fKEiGwrNO
— Jackson Hayes (@jacksonhvisuals) March 19, 2019
All the world's websites echoing the latest publication of Gui @_inside on Airpower, of course @9to5mac has done a great job in hiring him and we have it in our podcast ? https://t.co/oZpNZT7ERn
— Applelianos (@applelianos) March 19, 2019
애플, 오늘 iOS 12.2 베타 6 개발자에게 배포. 애플 개발자 계정 소유 개발자, 설정 -> 일반 -> 소프트웨어 업데이트에서 OTA로 다운로드해 설치하거나 애플 개발자 센터에서 다운로드해 설치할 수 있음. iOS 12.2 애플 뉴스 구독 지원, 따라서 3월 25일 이벤트 때 배포될 것. https://t.co/hXPn7sVIsV
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) March 18, 2019
Code in Latest iOS 12.2 Beta Suggests AirPower Launch Coming Soon https://t.co/qAHY4xrxGR pic.twitter.com/CMYsFzryyi
— Apple Streem (@applestreem) March 19, 2019
Apple's Long-Awaited AirPower Launch Hinted by iOS 12 Beta - by @mehedih_ - https://t.co/080GvAZbm5 pic.twitter.com/HLBxDYuF9d
— Paul Thurrott (@thurrott) March 19, 2019
It looks like it’s actually coming, seems like they’ve been waiting on AirPower or they could have released the wireless charging AirPods case a year ago. https://t.co/jIgjsbM6r9
— James Stewart (@jamesstewart97) March 20, 2019