What is tactile paving and when did Seiichi Miyake invent it? [metro.co.uk]
Who Was Seiichi Miyake? Facts About the Japanese Inventor of Tactile Paving Celebrated in Google Doodle [www.newsweek.com]
Monday's Google Doodle Celebrates The Work Of Seiichi Miyake [www.forbes.com]
Google Doodle pays tribute to Japanese inventor Seiichi Miyake [www.cnet.com]
Who Was Seiichi Miyake? Facts About the Japanese Inventor of Tactile Paving Celebrated in Google Doodle https://t.co/V95Niq65xN
— Jeffrey Levin (@jilevin) March 18, 2019
In 1965, Miyake invented the tactile paving slab (or "Tenji block" in Japan). Today's Google Doodle celebrates the first introduction of the block, 52 years ago! #AccessibleTravel https://t.co/8LM00b6C6q
— Royal Blind (@RoyalBlind) March 18, 2019
What's today's #GoogleDoodle all about? It's celebrating the Tenji block, the tactile paving slab which makes it safer & easier for blind & partially sighted people to get around public spaces independently, including #cities around the world https://t.co/FX3jVqwgI5 pic.twitter.com/7Kz2PqRYVL
— UrbanTransportGroup (@utg_uk) March 18, 2019
BTW, noticed the Google doodle today? It's a tribute to the Japanese inventor of tactile tiles, now found on train platforms and footpaths around the world to assist people with visual impairment. Sometimes the simplest ideas are the most brilliant...https://t.co/60Wfh8bYT6 pic.twitter.com/lkB0KWiMZC
— Japan Foundation AU (@JPFSydney) March 18, 2019
A very beautiful Google Doodle today celebrating Japanese inventor Seiichi Miyake. His Tenji block, a tactile paving slab, changed the way blind and partially sighted people navigated their way around. https://t.co/baeBNbWwuC
— RNIB Library (@RNIBLibrary) March 18, 2019
Todays Google Doodle is dedicated to Seiichi Miyake who invented the tactile paving slab to help vision impaired people navigate citieshttps://t.co/bugPoodSiJ
— Ross Mullen (@MrRossMullen) March 18, 2019
디자인이 모든 유저에게 당장의 도움을 줄 뿐만 아니라, 그들이 속한 공동체 행동을 변화시키고, 사회의 모습까지 역으로 디자인함을 알려주는 사례. 창안자인 미야케씨는 자비를 털어 보급운동을 하다 파산 직전까지 가고 결국 만성폐렴으로 56세에 과로사. https://t.co/XkxL1xgyRb
— Goodhyun 김국현 (@goodhyun) March 18, 2019
Lines mean “forward” and dots mean “stop.” https://t.co/O1hhkfNKXN
— Tomo (@tomoakiyama) March 18, 2019
Well you learn something new everyday! Check out todays @GoogleDoodleshttps://t.co/tPjmtYXsy0
— Jake Sawyers (@jakesawyers) March 18, 2019
Good morning! As you head out into the world today, be grateful for the compassion & ingenuity of your fellow global citizens. Without inventor, Seiichi Miyake, we might not have those little bumps on the sidewalk to help guide those w visual impairments. https://t.co/L27eFH36Xr pic.twitter.com/BkL2DddWlO
— ThinkCollege (@thinkcollegeICI) March 18, 2019
Today's @Google Doodle pays tribute to Japanese inventor Seiichi Miyake. His invention, the tenji block, changed the way visually impaired interact with the world. https://t.co/R6PMECcwni pic.twitter.com/lQO3K9psbA
— Ophthalmology Times (@OphthTimes) March 18, 2019
For all our friends in the visually impaired community, check it: Google Doodle pays tribute to Japanese inventor Seiichi Miyake https://t.co/2CAKcmuJWZ via @CNET
— Daley Review (@DaleyReview) March 18, 2019