ment 3/15 '19 posted

• "이 경우, 우리는 증오 그룹에 의한 슬랙의 사용 가능성에 대해 알게되었고 조직 수준에서의 제휴 관계를 알아낼 수 있었습니다.
• 직장 채팅 회사인 슬랙 (Slack)은 오늘 '알려진 증오 그룹과의 명확한 제휴'를 이유로 28 개의 계정이 삭제됐다고 밝혔습니다.
• 이후 기술 플랫폼들은 특히 시위와 집회로 명성이 높은 그룹을 조직하는 것을 포함, 헤이트 스피치에 대해 더 엄격한 입장을 취했습니다.

Slack removes 28 accounts linked to hate groups Today in a short…
Slack removes 28 accounts linked to hate groups []
The Hill 1625 K Street, NW Suite 900 Washington DC 20006 | 202-628-8500 tel |…
Slack removes nearly 30 accounts with hate group ties []
Slack said in a blog on Thursday that it investigated and removed 28 accounts that were clearly…
Slack says it removed 28 accounts affiliated with hate groups []
Workplace chat company Slack said today it’s removed 28 accounts for having a “clear affiliation…
Slack says it removed dozens of accounts affiliated with hate groups []
Today we removed 28 accounts because of their clear affiliation with known hate groups. The use of…
Slack removes hate groups []

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3/15 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
3/15 '19 answered

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