Emma Haruka Iwao smashes pi world record with Google help [www.bbc.com]
Google calculated pi to 31.4 trillion digits and broke a world record [www.androidcentral.com]
Google employee breaks record for calculating pi [www.businessinsider.com]
Google engineer sets world record by calculating pi to 31 trillion digits [thehill.com]
How Emma Haruka Iwao broke the Guinness World Records title for the most accurate value of pi [www.blog.google]
Google sets new Guinness World Record on Pi Day [www.techspot.com]
Google Employee Smashes World Record for Calculating Pi [www.geek.com]
Developer uses Google Cloud to calculate 31 trillion digits of pi, a world record [venturebeat.com]
Google's Emma Haruka Iwao breaks the world record for calculating pi [www.engadget.com]
Google broke Pi world record, requests 31.4-trillion works of art [www.slashgear.com]
Celebrate Pi Day with 31.4 trillion digits from Google [www.geekwire.com]
I've found that once you memorize π to a trillion digits or so you can just start making it up and nobody knows. https://t.co/hfzqu9yz2w
— Ken Norton (@kennethn) March 14, 2019
New record: Most accurate value of pi - 31,415,926,535,897 digits
— GuinnessWorldRecords (@GWR) March 14, 2019
Congratulations to @Yuryu with the support of @Google https://t.co/4D6PBlYpIw #PiDay
Good to see that someone is finally using Google Cloud :D https://t.co/e9QdnrJdTC
— Brad Sams (@bdsams) March 14, 2019
"Woman" https://t.co/aQVQxEbcy3
— Roosh (@rooshv) March 14, 2019
I'm on the news ?♀️/ BBC News - Woman breaks pi world record https://t.co/4S0w2h6vZT
— Emma Haruka Iwao (@Yuryu) March 14, 2019
And we have a new record for calculating Pi!!! https://t.co/ieULmCfYbY @CSforAllTchrs @csteachersorg @CSforALL @weteachcs #PiDay
— neil plotnick (@NeilPlotnick) March 14, 2019
Emma Haruka Iwao smashes pi world record - fascinated by the number since childhood. @TechWomen @AnitaB_org https://t.co/ET6gCC93Ye
— Shannon McElyea (@ShannonMcElyea) March 14, 2019
Every time someone I know does something amazing I wave my hands like its_happening.gif and yell "I KNOW THEM!!". cc @Yuryu https://t.co/HT0mUBElR0
— Aaron Patterson (@tenderlove) March 14, 2019
In some incredible #PiDay news: @googlejapan employee Emma Haruka Iwao just crushed the world record for calculating the most pi digits ?????? https://t.co/mvNwUAaVXn
— Lesbians Who Tech + Allies (@lesbiantech) March 14, 2019
Emma Haruka Iwao has calculated Pi to a new world record length of 31 trillion digits, surpassing the previous record of 22 trillion! #PiDay https://t.co/pPXB8rcX2F
— MAA (@maanow) March 14, 2019
Happy #PiDay. And congrats to @Yuryu on calculating the value of the number pi to a NEW WORLD RECORD length of 31 trillion digits – far past the previous record of 22 trillion. Nice work!
— Lean In (@LeanInOrg) March 14, 2019
Happy #PiDay! Using @googlecloud, Googler Emma Haruka Iwao recently beat the world record for most-calculated digits of pi—31,415,926,535,897 digits to be exact → https://t.co/V0IvKWGMuu pic.twitter.com/ydYrQq2qtG
— Google (@Google) March 14, 2019
A life of Pi …
— Google Developers (@googledevs) March 14, 2019
Visit The Keyword to learn more about @Yuryu’s enduring passion for the acclaimed constant and how it led to new heights for both her and @GCPcloud.
Read the article here → https://t.co/DGre8H4QoW #PiDay pic.twitter.com/xjB8DH1D90
Google cloud developer @Yuryu calculates pi to the 31 trillionth digit using @Google #Cloud Platform.... https://t.co/wTcdy2AXIO#PiDay #Coding #Programmng pic.twitter.com/TUstWfr7dy
— Procom (@ProcomJobs) March 14, 2019
That #PiDay feeling when you break the #GuinnessWorldRecord for number of π digits calculated! ??? Meet @Yuryu, a Google developer advocate who calculated Pi to 31.4 trillion digits on @GCPcloud → https://t.co/nez2HqsXR1 pic.twitter.com/9l3GCfEQFk
— Life at Google (@lifeatgoogle) March 14, 2019
"I’m really happy to be one of the few women in computer science holding the record, and I hope I can show more people who want to work in the industry what’s possible.”
— Women Techmakers (@WomenTechmakers) March 14, 2019
Congrats @Yuryu for breaking the World Record for most accurate value of Pi → https://t.co/SmypTs2JnT? ??? pic.twitter.com/KazDw1QQMw
She breaks it all down here ? ➡️ https://t.co/GTvPVX8L1l#PiDay pic.twitter.com/US6gcdqK9y
— Google Students (@googlestudents) March 14, 2019
"I’m really happy to be one of the few women in computer science holding the record, and I hope I can show more people who want to work in the industry what’s possible.” https://t.co/pqyUOTNny8
— CSEdWeek (@CSEdWeek) March 14, 2019
"I’m really happy to be one of the few women in computer science holding the record, and I hope I can show more people who want to work in the industry what’s possible.”
— Maya Ajmera (@MayaAjmera) March 14, 2019
Congratulations to @Yuryu on calculating 31 trillion digits of pi! #PiDay https://t.co/8ay88xicTg
Emma Haruka Iwao beat the previous pi record by nearly 10 trillion digits! #PiDay https://t.co/QpooXp6I9C
— Code.org (@codeorg) March 14, 2019
Developer uses Google Cloud to calculate 31 trillion digits of pi, a world record https://t.co/cV9dh5VcMO #Apps pic.twitter.com/wfpqPweRHx
— Evan Kirstel at #EC19 (@evankirstel) March 14, 2019
Developer uses Google Cloud to calculate 31 trillion digits of pi, a world record https://t.co/8cnPNbWeLy
— ❄ Snowflake07™ (@Snowflake07) March 14, 2019
On Pi day (3.14) Google announces it has helped break a world record for calculating Pi, to 31 trillion digits, trouncing the last record of 22 trillion digits...https://t.co/xQ036Zwoi5
— Ross Dawson (@rossdawson) March 14, 2019
A world record using @googlecloud https://t.co/BqJx4XUK2v
— Saad Hamid (@SaadGH) March 14, 2019
Google's Emma Haruka Iwao breaks the world record for calculating pi https://t.co/28O80Gr455
— Albert Arnó (@alarno) March 14, 2019
RT alarno "Google's Emma Haruka Iwao breaks the world record for calculating pi https://t.co/bN1kCANvY3"
— onmedic (@onmedic) March 14, 2019
축하합니다. 그런데 이 업적을 직원이 아닌 고객이 했다면 요금은 얼마가 들었을까요? https://t.co/xi7V3MjG2n
— Goodhyun 김국현 (@goodhyun) March 15, 2019
Meet Emma Haruka Iwao, the Japanese mathematician who just calculated Pi to a new world record length of 31 trillion digits, far past the previous record of 22 trillion. #WomensDay #PiDay #WomenInSTEM https://t.co/sPiCNZrTLT
— Mahtab Haider (@mahtabhdr) March 14, 2019
Happy #PiDay everyone! Congratulations to Emma Haruka Iwao, who set a new world record by calculating Pi to 31.4 trillion decimal places. She already broke the old record by 9 trillion digits, but she plans to keep on calculating! #WomeninSTEM https://t.co/2YPmFiLvfd
— Sophia (@RealSophiaRobot) March 14, 2019
I am very confuse are mans refer womans united statehttps://t.co/fQomGEBULi
— Weihan Zhang (@liangweihan4) March 14, 2019
#PiDay #PiDay2019
— Nirmukta (@Nirmukta) March 14, 2019
Emma Haruka Iwao, a Google employee from Japan has calculated the value of the number pi to a new world record length of 31 trillion digits, far past the previous record of 22 trillion, using the company's cloud computing servicehttps://t.co/88JoyEcwPl
Emma Haruka Iwao smashes pi world record with Google help https://t.co/obLTcz020s
— Ryota Kanai (@kanair_jp) March 14, 2019
#PiDay Pi Record smashed! https://t.co/iBk1r1Vsvz (recipe by #DorothyDuder, chef on #StarTrek #Enterprise) pic.twitter.com/13v8oyTYQW
— Star Trek Fans & Events in Ireland (@startrekeire) March 14, 2019
It’s #PiDay so thought we’d share some big news about one of engineering’s favorite numbers! https://t.co/cs7Oi8DRMS @google pic.twitter.com/hG7cqIx6bY
— Bentley Systems, Inc (@BentleySystems) March 14, 2019
A recipe for beating the record of most-calculated digits of pi @google https://t.co/jPDgvNDWfB
— Isaac Hernandez (@IsaacHernandezV) March 14, 2019
#PiDay > A team at #Google has broken the Guinness World RecordsTM title for most accurate value of pi.
— Wolf of Coin Street on steroids ^^ (@BNF75) March 14, 2019
PS: 31,415,926,535,897 digitshttps://t.co/cLgFPtluRp
31兆桁で円周率のギネスレコードを樹立!congrats @Yuryu !
— Takuo Suzuki (@taquo) March 14, 2019
A recipe for beating the record of most-calculated digits of pi @google https://t.co/KLoTCFu80p
— Keisuke Fujii (@fujiisoup) March 14, 2019
A recipe for beating the record of most-calculated digits of pi @google https://t.co/cCzAKpFsW2
Developer uses Google Cloud to calculate 31 trillion digits of pi, a world record https://t.co/leBo6O1Erw #Google #GoogleCloud $GOOG
— PDF Streaming (@PDFStreaming) March 15, 2019
Developer uses Google Cloud to calculate 31 trillion digits of pi, a world record https://t.co/4qymPrAqqU pic.twitter.com/9mGCeBQDug
— David Intersimone (@davidi99) March 15, 2019
Wowwwww!!!!!!!!!! A very happy pi day to you, @Yuryu https://t.co/zy3NcRxXwN
— Yan Fan ??? (@yanarchy) March 15, 2019
What a way to celebrate #PiDay - #Google's Emma Haruka Iwao breaks the world record for calculating #pi via @engadget https://t.co/efDFPKhUYd pic.twitter.com/NGbb4BZAsB
— Digi-Key Electronics (@digikey) March 14, 2019
Google has set a world record on this year's Pi Day. https://t.co/31PfsUz5nw
— TechLinked (@TechLinkedYT) March 14, 2019
Celebrate Pi Day with 31.4 trillion digits from Google (plus a tasty slice of pie) https://t.co/3dfKRPC59V
— Geeman Yip (@GeemanYip) March 14, 2019
Celebrate #PiDay with 31.4 trillion digits from @Google (plus 1 tasty slice of pie): https://t.co/3Ft2kZ1SR5 pic.twitter.com/o3BF3KTTFM
— Alan Boyle (@b0yle) March 14, 2019