TPG's Bill McGlashan Placed on Leave After Being Charged in College Cheating Scheme []
TPG executive Bill McGlashan placed on leave after charges in college admissions scheme []
I’ve noticed a trend where some of the most vocal people in our industry about a variety of issues are also some of the biggest assholes and hypocrites.
— Cyan (@cyantist) March 13, 2019
McGlashan is the CEO of the Rise Fund at TPG. Which is that private equity fund's impact-investing arm.
— Anand Giridharadas (@AnandWrites) March 12, 2019
The Rise Fund is all about achieving social justice through high finance. And it has enlisted Bono as its wingman.
So one of the parents charged in the college scam had a day job overseeing beneficial social impact investing for a private equity group. 2019, you win. Let it be recorded that I hereby retire any further attempts at satire.
— Jon Evans (@rezendi) March 13, 2019
Read the Bill McGlashan bit yourself. Just ctrl f
— Eric Newcomer (@EricNewcomer) March 12, 2019
Worth reading. It's crazy. Head of TPG Growth and CEO of TPG's socially responsible investing!!!
Elite do-gooders like Bill McGlashan sometimes do real good. They help communities and even save lives.
— Anand Giridharadas (@AnandWrites) March 12, 2019
But so much of what they do follows one overpowering rule: They are willing to help in ways that allow them to stay on top and lock others out.
This story must be remembered.
Among those charged in the college admissions scheme was Bill McGlashan, head of TPG Growth and CEO of TPG's fund focused on socially responsible investing.
— Miriam Gottfried (@miriamgottfried) March 12, 2019
Profound. Here's what TPG's Bill McGlashan says after he learns that his son is going to be photoshopped to look like a football kicker, according to court filing -->
— Eric Newcomer (@EricNewcomer) March 12, 2019
McGlashan: "The way the world works these days is unbelievable."
Another is William Mcglashan, a standard private equity goon with stakes in Uber and AirBNB. The whole list is a sad spectacle of useless American elites.
— Matt Stoller (@matthewstoller) March 12, 2019
This story brings it home. And more than the celebrities, for me it is Bill.
— Anand Giridharadas (@AnandWrites) March 12, 2019
Bill McGlashan, who epitomizes the modern fantasy that the rich people who rigged the modern world, who monopolized the American dream for themselves, are the solution to redressing our injustices.
Different rules, y’all. Different rules.
— Molly Wood (@mollywood) March 12, 2019
Why are only the Hollywood actresses being vilified? What about the hedgefund types?
— lorraine dowdy (@dowdy_doc) March 13, 2019
(한국이 좋아하는) 미국 입시가 왜 잘 굴러가나 늘 의아했다. 제도의 문제인가, 민도의 문제인가. 역시 마찬가지로 잘 안 굴러가고 있었다. 이런 멀쩡해 보인 사회 지도층도 범법자가 되게 만드는 흔들리는 마음의 자식 교육. “소셜 임팩트” 활동가였다니 위선이 개그 수준.
— Goodhyun 김국현 (@goodhyun) March 14, 2019