Jigsaw Chrome Extension Tunes Out Internet Toxicity [www.pcmag.com]
Alphabet's Jigsaw launches tool to hide noxious comments [www.fastcompany.com]
Alphabet's AI-powered Chrome extension hides toxic comments [www.engadget.com]
Alphabet's Jigsaw launches Chrome extension that lets you filter out abusive comments [venturebeat.com]
Chrome extension from Google wants to filter out toxic comments [www.cnet.com]
Jigsaw Chrome Extension Tunes Out Internet Toxicity https://t.co/4qFhY5i2QU https://t.co/M0XF2W9lo3
— Dissenter.com is ? by Gab (@getongab) March 12, 2019
Tune, @Jigsaw’s new experimental Chrome extension, acts like a volume dial for internet toxicity: turn it down to “zen mode” on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, YouTube or Disqus and it uses ML to tune out harassing or abusive comments. @PCMag has the scoop: https://t.co/qsEoZmKz1s
— Rob Marvin (@rjmarvin1) March 12, 2019
.@Jigsaw Chrome extension lets users control how much "toxicity" they want to see in comments across the internet: https://t.co/YMbcA8bKFl pic.twitter.com/k9tfbXJ0I4
— PCMag (@PCMag) March 12, 2019
Alphabet's Jigsaw launches tool to hide noxious comments.
— DL⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@DianeLong22) March 12, 2019
So all these Politicians will completely Ignore the American People. https://t.co/CDNd1qsTdz
Please define “toxicity.“ History, as anyone knows, is replete with the toxic. https://t.co/KrdHPOxqUY
— Lionel?? (@LionelMedia) March 12, 2019
Tune can filter out unpleasant comments and even identify and eliminate trolls on sites including Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and Disqus, and Alphabet-owned YouTube, according to the company. https://t.co/rK5ru740Ah
— Lynn Shaw (@LynnShawProd) March 12, 2019
I think this is the bizzaro world version of Dissenter @getongab ?. https://t.co/BFeznTs6jD pic.twitter.com/7JlYxJcGTD
— zyntrax (@zyntrax) March 12, 2019
GoogleのJigsawが嫌がらせのコメントをAIの技術で隠してくれるChrome拡張機能を公開。 / “Alphabet's AI-powered Chrome extension hides toxic comments” https://t.co/uxshSUFdiw
— ⓀⒾⒺⓉⒶ (@typex20) March 12, 2019
Alphabet’s Jigsaw launches Chrome extension that lets you filter out abusive comments https://t.co/tQowyROBsh #AI pic.twitter.com/R9dODPlPuS
— Evan Kirstel at #EC19 (@evankirstel) March 12, 2019
감정이 없는 인공지능이 더러운 꼴을 미리 보고 사람에게는 보여주지 않는 구현 사례가 앞으로도 많이 늘어날 것 같습니다. 그렇게 똥을 가리는 건 성공적이겠지만, 가리고 치우지 않아 썩어서 또 다른 사회문제가 될 수도. (마지막 줄에서 볼 수 있듯이) https://t.co/YTpwKKfxpT
— Goodhyun 김국현 (@goodhyun) March 13, 2019
.@Jigsaw Chrome extension tunes out internet toxicity: https://t.co/YMbcA8bKFl pic.twitter.com/kQj8sKMwey
— PCMag (@PCMag) March 13, 2019
@SarahConnor2001 @MrSammyblish @MysticJosephine @OpChemtrails @fergus_ezra @drewblevins77 @wolfshield77 @GaultierChantal
— John Connor (@jconnor19662) March 12, 2019
More AI 'filtering' tools coming, we will really be out in the cold soonhttps://t.co/68YfQheEuZ
[엔가젯] 알파벳의 AI기반 크롬 확장기능이 유독한 댓글을 숨겨줌https://t.co/8UYZ1wICUF
— 라루얀 / 말썽쟁이 구운 경단 ? (@LaruYan) March 13, 2019
구글 모회사 알파벳의 AI기반 크롬 확장기능 Tune이 페이스북, 트위터, 레딧, 유튜브, 디스커스 유독한 댓글을 숨겨줄 것. 실험적인 기능으로 오진이 있을 수도 있음. 영어만 지원.https://t.co/Dk0QJckAoB
if this type of tech allows u to control ur world, even if it means tuning up things they call "toxic", that is a win.
— Mr. Scatman (@bsmith12251960) March 12, 2019
If it dictates & determines what is toxic to "save u" it is merely a more advanced form of the existing prison they already have u in.https://t.co/ftOUNtvwIa
Alphabet's AI-powered Chrome extension hides toxic comments https://t.co/0x176clRel
— Rich Tehrani (@rtehrani) March 13, 2019
This can be a game changer https://t.co/aDFVQDOsSY via @CNET
— yolanda valery (@yolandavalery) March 13, 2019
"If publishers and websites really want to get people engaging with their content, they need to figure out the comments section, and right now they're still very toxic," says professor @jmgrygiel on Google's new toxicity-filtering extension.https://t.co/asMDnL4gek via @CNET pic.twitter.com/VcyPORjjWj
— Newhouse School (@NewhouseSU) March 12, 2019