Google Agreed to Pay $135 Million to Two Executives Accused of Sexual Harassment []
Alphabet top brass OK'd $100m-plus payouts to execs accused of sexual misconduct - court docs []
And people accuse survivors of looking for a pay day.
— robyn (@birdiebent) March 12, 2019
“The payouts put a fresh exclamation point on the simmering issue of gender equality and sexual harassment in Silicon Valley”
— Amalia C. Halikias (@AmaliaHalikias) March 11, 2019
?? so many metaphors so little time
Sex Harassment Appears to be Profitable: Google agreed to pay $135 mil to 2 executives accused of sexual harassment @ElisaC @MediaLizzy @MimZWay @namenzie
— Cherylyn HarleyLeBon (@HarleyLeBon) March 11, 2019
구글이 사내 성추행으로 도마에 오른 두 임원에게 총 1억 3,500만 달러의 퇴직금을 지급하려 했던 사실이 알려졌다.
— 이주형 (쿠도군) (@KudoKun_) March 11, 2019
앤디 루빈이 9,000만 달러였고, 두 번째인 검색 사업부의 앤디 싱갈은 4,500만 달러를 받기로 했는데, 경쟁사 이직을 이유로 1,500만 달러로 깎였다고.
As long as #boards of #directors rubber stamp inappropriate #management #ESG #MeToo decisions, scandals & associated #Reputation #Risk is destined to reoccur: "The board of directors of Google’s parent, now called Alphabet Inc., ap…
— Andrea Bonime-Blanc (@GlobalEthicist) March 11, 2019
WSJ with some new details about the payouts to Google execs. It confirms Andy Rubin got $90 million, as previously reported, and found out that Amit Singhal received a $45 million settlement, of which Google only paid $15 million.
— Ryan Mac (@RMac18) March 11, 2019
Google agreed to pay $135 million to two executives accused of sexual harassment.
— Paul Beckett (@paulwsj) March 11, 2019
“The payouts put a fresh exclamation point on the simmering issue of gender equality and sexual harassment in Silicon Valley”
— Amalia C. Halikias (@AmaliaHalikias) March 11, 2019
?? so many metaphors so little time
Google agreed to pay $135M to get rid of two (just two!) executives accused of sexual harassment
— Rob Copeland (@realrobcopeland) March 11, 2019
Google Agreed to Pay $135 Million to Two Executives Accused of Sexual Harassment
— Gary Holland ?? ⭐️⭐️⭐️ ?? (@gholland04) March 12, 2019
Google agreed to pay $135 million to two executives accused of sexual harassment. @WSJさんから
— Jvivid (@Jvivid) March 12, 2019
Tell me again about how hard #MeToo has been for men accused of sexual misconduct -->>>>Google agreed to pay $135 million to two executives accused of sexual harassment via @WSJ
— Emily Peck (@EmilyRPeck) March 11, 2019