ment 3/13 '19 posted

• 월요일에 봉인해제된 소송에서 제기된 소장에 따르면, 구글은 성희롱 혐의로 회사를 그만두고 퇴직 이유를 은폐한 2 명의 최고 경영진에 1 억 3500 만 달러의 퇴직 패키지를 지불하는 데 동의했습니다.

Google agreed to pay $135 million in exit packages to two top executives who left the…
Google Agreed to Pay $135 Million to Two Executives Accused of Sexual Harassment []
Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin allegedly signed…
Alphabet top brass OK'd $100m-plus payouts to execs accused of sexual misconduct - court docs []

Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
3/13 '19 answered

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