ment 3/9 '19 posted

• 민간 부문은 성장을 계속하고 있으며, 민간 부문의 실업자 103 %를 차지하는 모든 고용 이외에 더 많은 고용이 회복되고 있다고 노동부는 보고했습니다.

Connecticut has recovered 84 percent of the 120,300 jobs lost in the Great Recession, and it needs…
Feds sharply cut 2018 employment growth in Connecticut, sounding alarms on state’s economy []
The latest report, which some economists called "bizarre," appeared to show a sudden slowdown in…
How to read what's really happening in the US jobs report []
We've detected unusual activity from your computer network To continue, please…
Are you a robot? []