ment 3/7 '19 posted

• 조사는 2018 년 11 월부터 2019 년 1 월까지 전국적으로 대표된 샘플로 진행되었습니다.

Facebook's reputation took a long dive over the past year, staggering under an avalanche of…
Facebook's reputation is sinking fast []
While other technology companies have been rocked by controversy Microsoft has been quietly going…
Survey finds Microsoft more trusted than Google and Apple []
Mark Zuckerberg announced Wednesday in a 3,000-word note that Facebook plans to rebuild its…
Zuckerberg outlines plan to pivot Facebook to "privacy-focused" platform []

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3/7 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
3/7 '19 answered

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