Gorilla Glass maker is working on flexible glass for foldable phones [www.techspot.com]
Corning Working on Foldable Glass Solution for Foldable Phones [www.iphonehacks.com]
Corning is working on bendable Gorilla Glass for foldable phones [www.xda-developers.com]
"Foldable smartphones won’t be ready until glass is ready. Fortunately, that may be sooner than you’d think." https://t.co/dCIS6yyADZ via @brbarrett
— Lauren Goode (@LaurenGoode) March 4, 2019
Foldable phones like Samsung’s Galaxy Fold and Huwaei’s Mate X are coming, whether you’re ready or not. But the real thing you should hold out for? Glass.https://t.co/SXB9kzvjT6
— WIRED (@WIRED) March 5, 2019
Glass can fold, probably further than you’d think. But it can’t flex far enough for smartphones that open up like books. At least, not yet. https://t.co/7TNrNUd2wQ
— WIRED (@WIRED) March 3, 2019
진짜 혁신은 이게 완성되는 날 찾아오겠지요. 플라스틱 커버로 된 PDA가 최선인 줄 알던 날 유리로 감싼 스마트폰이 찾아왔듯이.
— Goodhyun 김국현 (@goodhyun) March 6, 2019
고릴라 유리 제조업체의 접이식 휴대 전화용 휘는 유리 https://t.co/qw4rX1pJ0m
— editoy (@editoy) March 6, 2019