ment 3/1 '19 posted

• Strategy Analytics의 전무 이사 인 Neil Mawston은 "지난 한 해 경쟁 업체의 스마트 워치 포트폴리오와 소매 유통 업체가 크게 개선되어 Apple Watch는 삼성 및 Fitbit에 시장 점유율을 잃고 있습니다.
• Garmin은 또한 작년에 2017 년의 220 만 개에서 320 만 개로 출하량을 늘렸으나 차트에서 계속 3 위를 차지했습니다.
• 애플의 시장 점유율 하락에도 불구하고 여전히 스마트워치를 더 많이 판매하고 있습니다.

We’re back again with our daily installment of Apple news. If you’re interested in latest…
Daily Apple News: iPhone sales up in China, 190 employees fired, global smartwatch share dips, new photography challenge and more []
Apple Watch accounted for nearly half of all smartwatches sold last year, according to…
Apple Watch Becomes the Big Kahuna of Wearables with Impressive 2018 Sales []
Samsung and Fitbit both quadrupled the number of smartwatches shipped in the holiday quarter of…
Apple Watch still dominates, but Samsung and Fitbit quadruple shipments []
The Apple Watch was still smartwatch…
Apple Watch accounts for half of Q4's record smartwatch shipments []

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3/1 '19 answered

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Open Wiki - Feel free to edit it. -
3/1 '19 answered

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