ment 2/26 '19 posted

• 2 월 초의 보고서에 따르면 Pixel 3 Lite는 모델 번호 G020B를, Pixel 3 XL Lite는 G020F를 제공합니다. 오늘의 목록은 G020B, G020C, G020D, G020F, G020G 및 G020H에 대한 목록입니다. 이전 3 개는 작은 장치의 변형 일 가능성이 높지만 후자 3 개는 큰 장치의 변형입니다.

Unannounced Google smartphone hits the FCC 02/25/2019 at 9:57 AM by Brad Linder Leave a Comment …
Unannounced Google smartphone hits the FCC []
Six Google-made devices — both identifying as a “smartphone” — have just passed through the…
New Made by Google smartphones pass through FCC, likely 'Pixel 3 Lite' []
Did you know Google is working on a cheaper version of the Pixel 3? I know, this is…
The Pixel 3 Lite just went through the FCC, but don't worry, you've already seen more than they have []

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2/26 '19 answered

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