Google’s Nest hub has a microphone it forgot to mention []
Don't let Google and Nest off the hook for their hidden mic []
Sorry, we didn’t mean to keep that secret microphone a secret, says Google []
Democratic presidential candidates speak out about Google Nest microphone []
Google didn’t tell users its Nest security system has a mic []
Honestly. This.
— Molly Wood (@mollywood) February 21, 2019
The Nest being a Google Assistant product is very cool.
— Dusk Dargent (@duskdargent) February 21, 2019
The fact that it’s had a mic for a year+, and that Nest didn’t tell consumers who purchased it this information….is exceptionally immoral. You put a mic in people’s homes without TELLING THEM.
Sorry, we didn’t mean to keep that secret microphone a secret, says Google
— BrianHonan (@BrianHonan) February 21, 2019
Sorry, we didn’t mean to keep that secret microphone a secret, says Google – Naked Security #cybersecurity #infosec
— NuHarbor Security (@NuHarbor) February 21, 2019
Sorry, we didn’t mean to keep that secret microphone a secret, says Google via @InfoSecHotSpot
— Sean Harris (@InfoSecHotSpot) February 21, 2019
Google "mistakenly" left the inclusion of a microphone in NEST out of their documentation. ALSO: I have land in Florida for sale.
— Lori MacVittie (@lmacvittie) February 21, 2019