ment 2/18 '19 posted

• 3 차원의 "나비 넥타이 (bow tie)"지오 펜스는 조만간 DJI의 무인 항공기가 유럽의 주요 공항과 너무 가깝게 비행하는 것을 막을 것입니다.
• 회사의 무인 항공기가 2013 년부터 지오 펜싱 기술을 포함하고 있지만 항공 기술 회사 인 Altitude Angel이 개발한 신기술은 제한 구역을 단순한 2 차원 원에서보다 큰 3 차원 영역으로 확장합니다.

A three-dimensional “bow tie” geofence will soon prevent DJI’s drones from being able to fly too…
DJI will toughen up airport geofencing after recent drone disruption []
It feels that there’s a constant stream of news coverage of drones flying near airports, causing…
DJI expands its drone geofencing to restrict flying around airports []
DJI’s drones have come with geofencing technology…
DJI To Improve Airport Geofencing Of Its Drones []
We've detected unusual activity from your computer network To continue, please…
Are you a robot? []
China: DJI is improving its geofencing technology with the launch of its Geospatial Environment…
DJI improves geofencing to enhance protection of European airports []

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2/18 '19 answered

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