ment 2/18 '19 posted

• 5G Moto Mod는 오늘 FCC를 통과했는데, 이 회사가 공개적으로 공개할 것으로 생각했던 것보다 작동 방식에 대한 더 세부적 정보가 담긴 문서를 발표했습니다.

Last August, Motorola announced what might still wind up being the world’s first true 5G phone —…
Motorola’s 5G Moto Mod will have proximity shutoff sensors to limit radiation []
The Moto Z3 will be the first…
5G Moto Mod gets FCC certification []
Back in August last year Motorola, or Lenovo, depending on you preference, unveiled the…
The 5G Moto Mod stops by the FCC - US release imminent []
Motorola was early aboard the 5G train, at least…
5G Moto Mod release gets FCC go-ahead []

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2/18 '19 answered

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