Facebook may remove anti-vaccination content in response to criticism [www.businessinsider.com]
Facebook under pressure to curb spread of anti-vaccine content [www.cnet.com]
Anti-Vaccine Facebook Ads Target Women in Measles-Stricken States [www.thedailybeast.com]
Are you a robot? [www.bloomberg.com]
Pressure mounts on Facebook and Google to stop anti-vax conspiracy theories [www.theverge.com]
Shame is the only thing that seems to work with Facebook. This has been a problem on the platform for years. Facebook has always known it. But done nothing. Glad they're finally feeling enough shame to act. https://t.co/x8uOURvski
— Melissa Ryan (@MelissaRyan) February 14, 2019
Leading PAY DIRT this week: anti-vaccine Facebook ads have been viewed between 1.6M and 5.2M times since late last year.
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) February 14, 2019
The vast majority (~72%) of them target women over 25—i.e. those most like to have children potentially in need of vaccinations https://t.co/TMtwUOQnIo
way way way way way way way too late but still good https://t.co/z5ostGHBy2
— alex (SF) (@alex) February 14, 2019
2019 and Facebook is starting to take notice of its role in the anti-vax movement https://t.co/QbkYrMDBXk
— Brandon Wall (@Walldo) February 14, 2019
One anti-vaccination group that's been particularly active on Facebook, Stop Mandatory Vaccinations, has targeted many of its ads to Washington State, where the governor just declared a public health emergency over its measles outbreak https://t.co/TMtwUOQnIo
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) February 14, 2019
Facebook’s advertising platform is being used to widely circulate anti-vaccine conspiracy theories and misinformation as the nation is attempting to control the resurgence of childhood illnesses that can easily be prevented through vaccinations. https://t.co/Nx5V7KnD8Z
— Barry Ritholtz (@ritholtz) February 15, 2019
Leading PAY DIRT this week: anti-vaccine Facebook ads have been viewed between 1.6M and 5.2M times since late last year.
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) February 14, 2019
The vast majority (~72%) of them target women over 25—i.e. those most like to have children potentially in need of vaccinations https://t.co/TMtwUOQnIo
One anti-vaccination group that's been particularly active on Facebook, Stop Mandatory Vaccinations, has targeted many of its ads to Washington State, where the governor just declared a public health emergency over its measles outbreak https://t.co/TMtwUOQnIo
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) February 14, 2019
"PAY DIRT compiled data on seven Facebook pages now running promoted anti-vaccines posts in the United States. Together, they have bought 147 ads on the platform, ads that have... https://t.co/2Zuo6kS7PH
— Dr. Richard Pan (@DrPanMD) February 15, 2019
Let's all thank @facebook @finkd @sherylsandberg for their great assistance in turbocharging the ding dongs https://t.co/GE6KjjguFT @robleathern @robjective @jasonpjason
— David Gobaud (@davidgobaud) February 15, 2019
facebook is the hellmouth https://t.co/gmvqLYjYeF
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) February 14, 2019
Anti-Vaccine Facebook Ads Target Women in Measles-Stricken Stateshttps://t.co/dTYIHkFvMY
— Patrick (@TrickFreee) February 14, 2019
1) Using @Facebook's tool, @Lachlan found 7 pages targeting women with anti-vaccine ads in states with measles outbreaks https://t.co/JfapmETnG5
— Alex Howard (@digiphile) February 14, 2019
2) @Facebook doesn't disclose targeting, as the Honest Ads Act would require, which they keep (falsely) claiming they're implementing: https://t.co/PiIjWoXQgg
New: Facebook says it's exploring measures against anti-vaxxers, and may be "reducing or removing this type of content from recommendations, including Groups You Should Join, and demoting it in search results"https://t.co/sRsx7azBIc
— Sarah Frier (@sarahfrier) February 14, 2019
Facebook to battle the spread of infections disease by limiting accessibility to sites providing medical misinformation. https://t.co/TK8gw1EcTf
— Doctor Anna's Imaginarium ? (@DoctorAnnasImag) February 15, 2019
— tadanory (@tadanory) February 15, 2019
Facebook Says It May Remove Anti-Vaccine Recommendations https://t.co/cS545ctlDh
— Mike Cernovich | ? (@Cernovich) February 15, 2019
Facebook, Facing Lawmaker Questions, Says It May Remove Anti-Vaccine Recommendations https://t.co/cT2b2cAAKV
— Lynn Shaw (@LynnShawProd) February 15, 2019
California representative [AS] petitioning Facebook to deal with the vaccine "problem."
— Forrest Maready (@forrestmaready) February 15, 2019
End game is near.https://t.co/S1Q3L6ZGBk
Hi @facebook, @Twitter @YouTube et al.
— Philippe Chouinard (@DrPChouinard) February 14, 2019
If you host health #misinformation that is damaging to #publichealth without implementing any measures to counter it, you will be held responsible.
Signed, ?https://t.co/QCAQUegbuJ via @business
Congressman telling private companies to surpress the 1st Amendment!!!
— Aaron (@oldaaron26) February 14, 2019
How the hell these anti-Americans keep getting elected is beyond me!
Facebook, facing lawmaker questions, says it may remove anti-vaccine recommendations https://t.co/cTVlSnr7o9 via @bpolitics
Why am I not surprised Adam Schiff is putting pressure on Google and Facebook to stop anti-vax postings? Like he gives a Schiff about children? #vaccinescauseautism @Jordan_Sather_ https://t.co/11NMfbxMtE
— Terran Cognito (@TerranCongito) February 15, 2019
Pressure mounts on Facebook and Google to stop anti-vax conspiracy theories https://t.co/kkI1RYLPV9 pic.twitter.com/tUxJVgt1AL
— The Verge (@verge) February 14, 2019