620m accounts stolen from 16 hacked websites now for sale on #darkweb all for "less than $20,000 in #Bitcoin" https://t.co/fJ1L3Rh3dT #cybercrime
— Raj Samani (@Raj_Samani) February 12, 2019
620 million accounts stolen from 16 hacked websites now for sale on dark web, seller boasts https://t.co/21POn0eBNK via @theregister
— Iain Thomson (@iainthomson) February 12, 2019
We've spent days working if this is legit. Looks that way.
Ouch. Data allegedly includes Dubsmash, MyFitnessPal, and MyHeritage, among many more. https://t.co/ZQd6dJzqp2
— Zack Whittaker (@zackwhittaker) February 12, 2019
FYI: We've sighted a trove of 617m accounts, pulled from 16 'hacked' websites, for sale on the dark web.
— The Register (@TheRegister) February 11, 2019
The data appears legit. It includes email addresses and hashes taken from MyHeritage in 2017 that have been verified by the biz and is the first time they've gone on sale
Listed: Dubsmash, MyFitnessPal, MyHeritage, ShareThis, HauteLook, Animoto, EyeEm, 8fit, Whitepages, Fotolog, 500px, Armor Games, BookMate, CoffeeMeetsBagel, Artsy, and DataCamp. https://t.co/ExbX2q2ZQe
— joe janecek (@joejanecek) February 13, 2019
Now @EyeEm confirms it was hacked, as we reported https://t.co/adp0q3VAax
— The Register (@TheRegister) February 13, 2019
22 million EyeEm account details, including email addresses and SHA1-hashed passwords, for sale on the dark web for 0.289 BTC... https://t.co/OM2uQ7LyOn
UPDATE: 500px confirms its systems were hacked, data leaked in this week's 617 million account dump - more to follow
— The Register (@TheRegister) February 12, 2019
"We are working on notifying our entire user base, however, given the amount of users affected, this task will span one day at minimum."https://t.co/5mGvTwIm08
Got accounts on the following platforms? https://t.co/BjbEREjEIV
— Liz Quilty ♡ (@LizQuilty) February 13, 2019
Dubsmash,MyFitnessPal,MyHeritage,ShareThis,HauteLook,Animoto,EyeEm,8fit,Whitepages,Fotolog,500px,Armor Games,BookMate,CoffeeMeetsBagel,Artsy,& DataCamp .
해킹됐네.. https://t.co/7QGEc2zPWp
— 헌소년 (@PPd3nfDj0oPBAaO) February 13, 2019
— ねくさす (@nexus_106) February 13, 2019
620 million accounts stolen from 16 hacked websites now for sale on dark web, seller boasts • The Register https://t.co/UkeonZJm41
If you have an account on one of these sites: you'll want to change your password & enable 2FA ASAP!!
— Chuck Reynolds (@ChuckReynolds) February 13, 2019
— sonosheet (85%) T% (@snst2004) February 13, 2019
620 million accounts stolen from 16 hacked websites now for sale on dark web, seller boasts https://t.co/jcsN3vpDPn @theregisterさんから
사진 공유 웹사이트 500px의 모든 회원들의 정보가 작년 7월 해킹된 사실이 뒤늦게 드러났다고... https://t.co/KlQY1zfzOehttps://t.co/2VmfHQJfPY pic.twitter.com/ejqZeX6rXG
— H. Kim (@metavital) February 13, 2019
500px: Almost 15 million users caught up in security breach: Almost 15 million members of portfolio website 500px have been caught up in a security breach. The hack occurred in 2018 but was only discovered last week. Users are being told to change their… https://t.co/eRIjMNoG2Y pic.twitter.com/A8Snzhtlny
— Abinmbr (@abinmbr) February 13, 2019
Dark web data dump sees 620 million accounts from hacked websites go on sale https://t.co/bqUz0xWRdK
— Cyril Coste (@CyrilCoste) February 12, 2019
500px reveals 2018 breach that exposed user data - Engadget https://t.co/dMW3FYrife 東京都情報 https://t.co/sk9vJGS3Zu 天気はこちら https://t.co/xbJQCLiAvU
— 東京都情報bot (@news_tokyo_bot) February 13, 2019
Some 617 million online account details stolen from 16 hacked websites are on sale from today on the darweb marketplace DreamMarket. Beware forthcoming phishing emails https://t.co/Ti2qDtVSuD
— Rayna ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (@MaliciaRogue) February 13, 2019
Hacker claims to have posted ~617M online account details stolen from 16 hacked companies for sale on the dark web; MyHeritage and 500px confirm stolen data (Chris Williams/The Register) https://t.co/BJQf7Y7zF1
— Chris Heilmann (@codepo8) February 13, 2019
— 完全に立ち往生エンジニア (@everes) February 13, 2019