ment 2/13 '19 posted

• Apple은 그 일환으로 이미 일부 시장에서 iPhone의 가격 설정을 재고하고 있으며, 향후 몇 개월 동안 가격 변화 시장의 하나에 중국이 있다고 생각됩니다.
• 새로운 IDC 예측에 따르면, 2018 년 12 월에 끝나는 분기 동안 Apple의 iPhone 출하 대수는 중국에서 20 % 가까이 감소한 것으로 나타났습니다. 가장 중요한 분기에 Apple이 자체 매출 목표를 70 억 달러 이상 놓친 이유에 대한 추가 컨텍스트를 제공합니다.
• 애플은 자사의 연말 연시 실적 발표에서 중국의 아이폰 판매가 좋지 않아 당초의 전망을 그만큼 크게 놓친 것을 밝혔습니다.

Why did Tim Cook and Apple fail to understand the Chinese smartphone market? Key sales targets were…
Apple's Chinese Failure Leaves iPhone Facing Massive Problems []
Lintao Zhang | Getty Images Chinese customers in an Apple store on…
iPhone shipments in China fall 19.9 percent: IDC []
403 Forbidden []
Apple chief executive Tim Cook visits an Apple store in Shanghai in October last year. Photo:…
Apple iPhone shipments plunge in China with Huawei gaining ground against wider industry slump []
The decline in iPhone sales is accelerating as Apple Inc. sees its sales plunge in China,…
iPhone sales are tanking in China because Apple's charging too much []
Apple Inc. was little changed on Monday as…
Apple (AAPL) Shares Ignore Report on Weak iPhone Demand in China []
Apple revealed in its holiday quarter earnings call that it was poor iPhone sales in China…
iPhone sales in China fell at twice the speed of other brands []
(Reuters) - Apple Inc iPhone sales in China fell 20 percent year-on-year in the fourth quarter of…
Apple iPhone sales in China fell by a fifth in fourth quarter: IDC []
As expected, Apple’s iPhone shipment numbers in China collapsed last quarter. According…
iPhone Sales in China Plunged 20 Percent Last Quarter: IDC []
Apple's iPhone shipments during the quarter ending December 2018 were down nearly 20% in China,…
Apple's iPhone sales dropped in China due to price, according to IDC []
New figures highlight the iPhone’s rough quarter in China When…
New figures highlight the iPhone’s rough quarter in China []

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2/13 '19 answered

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