Apple's Chinese Failure Leaves iPhone Facing Massive Problems []
iPhone shipments in China fall 19.9 percent: IDC []
403 Forbidden []
Apple iPhone shipments plunge in China with Huawei gaining ground against wider industry slump []
iPhone sales are tanking in China because Apple's charging too much []
Apple (AAPL) Shares Ignore Report on Weak iPhone Demand in China []
iPhone sales in China fell at twice the speed of other brands []
Apple iPhone sales in China fell by a fifth in fourth quarter: IDC []
iPhone Sales in China Plunged 20 Percent Last Quarter: IDC []
Apple's iPhone sales dropped in China due to price, according to IDC []
New figures highlight the iPhone’s rough quarter in China []
Apple investors mostly shrugged off a report that iPhone shipments plummeted in China in the final quarter of 2018
— Bloomberg Markets (@markets) February 11, 2019
More evidence that Apple's difficulties in China go far deeper than simply grappling with the nation's slowing economy.
— Lisa Abramowicz (@lisaabramowicz1) February 11, 2019
iPhone shipments crashed nearly 20% in China because Apple charges too much: IDC
— CNBC International (@CNBCi) February 12, 2019
Apple v Huawei is starting to look like a proxy for the US v China via @technology @GaoYuan86
— Peter Elstrom (@pelstrom) February 11, 2019
— Miner Forty-Niner (@DoubleEagle49) February 11, 2019
iPhone shipments crashed nearly 20% in China because Apple charges too much: IDC
— Rich Tehrani (@rtehrani) February 11, 2019
IDC: Apple Q4 smartphone shipments in China fell 19.9% YoY and Xiaomi fell 34.9% but Huawei shipments grew 23.3% (South China Morning Post)
— Techmeme (@Techmeme) February 11, 2019
Apple investors mostly shrugged off a report that iPhone shipments plummeted in China in the final quarter of 2018
— Bloomberg Markets (@markets) February 11, 2019
IDC: 4분기 중국 iPhone 판매, 전체 스마트폰 판매보다 2배 빠르게 하락. 중국 전체 스마트폰 판매 9.7% 하락, iPhone 판매 19.9% 하락. 샤오미의 경우 최악으로 34.9% 하락. IDC 및 분석가들, 중국시장 포화상태에 직면했지만 애플은 가격을 더 인상한 것이 타격을 줌.
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) February 11, 2019
iPhone sales in China fell twice as fast as the smartphone market as a whole – IDC
— iPhone News (@iPhone_News) February 11, 2019
Apple iPhone sales in China fell by a fifth in fourth quarter: IDC
— Karsten Weide (@KarstenW) February 11, 2019