ment 2/12 '19 posted

• 즉, VA로부터 보호받는 베테랑은 단 몇 번의 클릭만으로 자신의 iPhone에서 알레르기, 예방 접종, 실험실 및 절차와 같은 의료 정보를 직접 볼 수 있습니다.
• 의료 기록 회사와 보험 회사로부터 건강 정보에 대한 접근권을 열도록 정부와 여러 학술 단체가 추진중인 큰 움직임을 업계 애플이 이용하고 있다고 전문가들은 말합니다.
• Google은 전자 건강 기록에 대해 훈련된 인공 지능을 사용하여 의사에게 위험한 의료 사건에 대해 경고 할 수있는 모델을 구축하는 시스템에 대한 특허를 신청했습니다.
• iPhone의 건강 기록은 VA에서 이용할 수있는 최초의 기록 공유 플랫폼이 될 것입니다. VA는 1,243 개 시설에서 9 백만 명 이상의 참전 용사에게 서비스를 제공하는 미국 최대의 의료 시스템입니다.

Military veterans treated by the US Department of Veterans Affairs will soon be able to access…
Apple will let military veterans access their health records on the iPhone []
Active members of the military and those who’ve left the service who receive care through Veteran…
iPhones can store veteran's health records []
Access to veteran data will be available "soon," Apple…
Veterans can access their medical info through Apple's Health Records []
Apple announced Monday that it's working with the U.S. Department of Veterans…
Putting patients in control of their health info []
Apple announced this morning it has partnered with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs…
Apple partners with VA to bring Health Records to veterans []
Working with the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Apple announced that…
Apple announces Health Records feature coming to veterans []
Apple has announced that it will soon support accessing digital health records for veterans…
Apple teaming up with US Department of Veterans Affairs to bring digital health records to iPhone []
United States veterans often don't get the respect they…
Apple iPhone will improve medical care for USA veterans []
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) today proposed new rules to support seamless…
HHS Proposes New Rules to Improve the Interoperability of Electronic Health Information []
Apple has reached a deal that means millions of U.S. veterans will soon be able to…
Apple makes mobile health records a reality for US veterans []
Why it matters: Whether it is a good or bad idea is still debatable, but…
Apple to provide veterans remote access to VA health records []
403 Forbidden []
Apple has been working with the US Department of…
Veterans will soon have access to VA medical records on iPhone []

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2/13 '19 answered

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