Driverless delivery startup Nuro raises almost $1 billion []
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Robotics Co. Nuro Raises $940M From SoftBank []
Robot delivery startup Nuro raises nearly $1 billion from SoftBank []
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Nuro raises $940 million for robot car deliveries []
SoftBank’s next bet: $940M into autonomous delivery startup Nuro []
SoftBank Invests $940 Million in Nuro for Driverless Deliveries []
"Formed in 2016 by a pair of ex-Google self-driving engineers, Nuro has set itself apart by focusing on food delivery rather than people moving."
— Nuro (@nurobots) February 11, 2019
Ars commenters are bizarrely fixated on the fact that driverless delivery vehicles can't carry groceries into the house for them. You know what else can't carry groceries into the house? The customer-owned cars most people use to go grocery shopping.
— Timothy B. Lee (@binarybits) February 11, 2019
Today in $940 million Series B’s.
— Teddy Schleifer (@teddyschleifer) February 11, 2019
Saudi Arabia invested more than half (nearly $50 billion) in SoftBank's $93 billion tech-focused Vision Fund, which has made big investments in US-based tech juggernauts such as WeWork and Slack (Jared Kushner’s family were early lead investors in Slack too).
— Adam (@Khanoisseur) February 11, 2019
소프트뱅크가 비전펀드에서 자율운행 스타트업 Nuro에 무려 9.4억불을 투자. Nuro는 소프트뱅크를 포함한 VC에서 10억불,1.1조원이 넘는 금액을 증자. 설립후 2년반밖에 안된 회사로 비즈니스용 로봇이 결합된 R1 차량을 개발,크로거 등과 배달 서비스를 시험운행하기도
— 박수민 / Soomin Park (@minist) February 11, 2019
Driverless delivery startup Nuro raises almost $1 billion. Watch for upcoming @binarybits article on larger implications.
— Thomas Bamonte (@TomBamonte) February 11, 2019
Ars commenters are bizarrely fixated on the fact that driverless delivery vehicles can't carry groceries into the house for them. You know what else can't carry groceries into the house? The customer-owned cars most people use to go grocery shopping.
— Timothy B. Lee (@binarybits) February 11, 2019
1️⃣[#Startup] #SoftBank investit 1 Md$ dans #Nuro et confirme son ambition d'être le leader des véhicules autonomes v/ @verge #FlashTweet #TransfoNum #Innovation #Tech #Digital #SelfDrivingCars #VoitureAutonome #SmartCity #SmartMobility #Delivery
— FlashTweet ⚡️ (@FlashTweet) February 12, 2019
Robot delivery startup Nuro raises nearly $1 billion from SoftBank
— The Verge (@verge) February 12, 2019
자율주행 로봇배달 스타트업인 뉴로Nuro가 소프트뱅크비전펀드에서 약 1조원을 펀딩 2016년도에 설립됐고 테스트배송을 시작한지 얼마 안된 회사. 지난주 오로라 펀딩도 그렇고 자율주행스타트업에 대한 펀딩열기는 계속 뜨겁다.
— 임정욱 / Jungwook Lim (@estima7) February 12, 2019
She's always been smarter and better liked, but now she's got a LOT more $$ to work with, too. Congrats @nanransohoff and the @nurobots team on the big raise
— Will Houghteling (@willhoughteling) February 11, 2019
Masayoshi Son is 100% Twelver Shia. follower of the Rehbar-e-Moazzam. No other reason for him to be bankrupting KSA as fast as he is doing
— Nihari (@NihariFan) February 11, 2019
Driver-less delivery company raises nearly a billion dollars. Onward to the future
— Ward Plunet (@StartupYou) February 11, 2019
Robot delivery startup Nuro raises nearly $1 billion from SoftBank
— Verge Transportation (@vergecars) February 11, 2019
SoftBank´s bet on robot delivery vans accelerates push into self-driving - $940m investment in driverless delivery startup Nuro via @financialtimes #robotics #driverless #digitaltransformation #investEU #electriccars #ElectricVehicles #EVs #VW #BMW #PSA
— Alex von Witzleben (@AlexWitzleben) February 12, 2019
#SoftBank Vision Fund has made another massive bet on autonomous driving technology, leading a $940m investment into @nurobots, who aims to build the future of driverless grocery delivery.
— Benkerant Matthieu (@La_Benks) February 11, 2019
Founded in 2016, Nuro is now valued by investors at $2.7 billion.
Softbank is transitioning from an car-share ETF to an autonomous car ETF
— Maya Zehavi (@mayazi) February 11, 2019
SoftBank invests $940m in driverless delivery start-up Nuro
— FT Technology News (@fttechnews) February 11, 2019
SoftBank invests $940m in driverless delivery start-up Nuro
— Financial Times (@FT) February 11, 2019
SoftBank invests $940m in driverless delivery start-up Nuro
— fastFT (@fastFT) February 11, 2019
This autonomous vehicle maker just raised about $940 million, here are the details. #av #startup #tech #funding #money #business #retail #industry #innovation
— Times and Tech (@TimesandTech) February 11, 2019
Cool little R1 robot delivery car from Nuro - complete with temperature-controlled compartments
— amber mac (@ambermac) February 11, 2019
Nuro raises $940 million for robot car deliveries #AI
— Evan Kirstel at #HIMSS19 (@evankirstel) February 11, 2019
Nuro raises $940 million for robot car deliveries #dev #programming
— Formfeuer (@formfeuer) February 11, 2019
Nuro raises $940 million for robot car deliveries via #venturebeat #bigdata #technology
— claudîus (@dataclaudius) February 11, 2019
There's no apparent slowing down in major investment in #AutonomousVehicles: #Softbank has just put $940M into autonomous delivery startup #Nuro where #QUT PhD alum Will Maddern leads the mapping and localization team @RoboticVisionAU @QUTSciEng @QUTmedia
— Michael Milford (@maththrills) February 11, 2019
Autonomous delivery by roadway instead of via sidewalk—a more technically challenging development pathway—unclear why they would have any better chance at cracking the driving policy nut than Waymo... (though happy to arguments otherwise)
— Brett Winton (@wintonARK) February 11, 2019
SoftBank's next bet: $940M into autonomous delivery startup Nuro via @techcrunch
— Luben Pampoulov (@lubjo81) February 11, 2019
SoftBank’s next bet: $940M into autonomous delivery startup Nuro. by @kirstenkorosec
— Analyst Syndicate (@AnalystSyndica1) February 11, 2019
Another sign of approval for the commercial potential of Low-Speed #automated Driving systems...
— Siddartha Khastgir (@siddkhastgir) February 11, 2019
Congratulations to team @nurobots. Look out for the upcoming @isostandards on low-speed shuttles. #mobility #driverless #selfdriving. via @techcrunch
— こーじん (@kojinoshiba) February 11, 2019
Softbank's next bet: $940M into autonomous delivery startup Nuro - TechCrunch via @nuzzel
— Hacker News記事題日本語翻訳 (@hackernewsj) February 11, 2019
Autonomous delivery is getting serious
— Augustin Friedel (@AugustinFriedel) February 11, 2019
Amazon participated in the huge Aurora funding round that was announced last week.
Softbank Vision Fund is investing a whopping sum of more than $900 Mio in…
SoftBank’s next bet: $940M into autonomous delivery startup Nuro – @TechCrunch
— Gerard Olivé (@gerardolive_) February 11, 2019
really makes me want to take a trip to Scottsdale... via @techcrunch
— Jen S. McCabe (@jensmccabe) February 11, 2019
SoftBank’s next bet: $940M into autonomous delivery startup Nuro
— Hacker News (@newsycombinator) February 11, 2019
#efood #delivery: US based #startup @Nuro has built about six vehicles for #driverless deliveries so far and plans to use the influx of money to create more via @WSJ #foodlogistics #strategy #onlinegrocery #ecommerce #growth #ai #ki
— Dr. Matthias Schu (@Dr_M_Schu) February 12, 2019
ソフトバンク、ラストワンマイルデリバリー自動運転ロボットの @nurobots に出資。$940M!かわいいな。
— よこた ゆい ? (@yuiykt) February 12, 2019
Nuro has built about six vehicles for driverless deliveries so far and plans to use the influx of money to create more
— がらえもん (@garaemon) February 11, 2019
SoftBank Invests $940 Million in Nuro for Driverless Deliveries - WSJ
- Nuro has built about six of these vehicles so far and plans to use the influx of money to create more... Nuro Inc. raised $940 million from SoftBank’s nearly $100 billion tech-focused Vision Fund, the startup said Monday. Founded…
— Milan Racic (@CallMeMilan) February 11, 2019
Exciting news today for one of our @shoptalk speakers: a $940M investment from SoftBank
— Zia Daniell Wigder (@zdwigder) February 11, 2019
SoftBank Invests $940 Million in Nuro for Driverless Deliveries - WSJ sprejer zas v akcii @ales_vavra
— juraj podracky (@JurajPodracky) February 11, 2019
Raising the game. SoftBank Invests $940 Million in Nuro for Driverless Deliveries. #Delivery #Lastmile
— B4Motion (@B4motion) February 11, 2019
Nuro is a pretty interesting robot delivery company and now they have almost A BILLION dollars to play with from Softbank, reports @timkhiggins
— Christopher Mims ? (@mims) February 11, 2019
Again I ask: How can cities get out ahead to reclaim streets for people as the bots (corporations, ie ?) are fighting/lobbying for space?
— Courtney Ehrlichman (@c_ehrlichman) February 11, 2019
Nuro has built about six vehicles for driverless deliveries so far and plans to use the influx of money to create more via @WSJ @timkhiggins
— Jennifer Smith (@jensmithWSJ) February 11, 2019
The competition is coming, but it’s not from anyone you know
— Greg Wester (@gwestr) February 11, 2019
RT WSJRisk: RT WSJVC: SoftBank Group is investing almost $1 billion in robotic-delivery vehicle startup Nuro #Corrupt #Philly #Philadelphia #Philly #Corruption #Realestate #Hospital #Colleges #SayNoToCorruption #nonprofit #IRSform990 #PhillyMayor #Philad…
— Philadelphia 1776 (@Commerceof76) February 11, 2019
SoftBank Group is investing almost $1 billion in robotic-delivery vehicle startup Nuro
— WSJ Venture Capital (@WSJVC) February 11, 2019
SoftBank invests $940M in driverless delivery startup Nuro: Comments:
— Hacker News (@HNTweets) February 11, 2019
SoftBank invests $940M in driverless delivery startup Nuro
— 420 Cyber, Inc. (@420Cyber) February 11, 2019
Congrats to @nurobots on the huge ($940m!) fundraise ?
— Oliver Cameron (@olivercameron) February 11, 2019
Nuro has built about six vehicles for driverless deliveries so far and plans to use the influx of money to create more
— 廣川航(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ (@tosyokainoouzi) February 11, 2019
うおおおお!ラストワンマイルデリバリーロボットのNuroにソフトバンクが9.4億ドル出資!これはアツい! @WSJより