ment 2/10 '19 posted

• Google은 Mac OS 및 Windows 10 버전의 Chrome 웹 브라우저에 다크 모드를 시작할 준비를하고 있습니다.

Google Chrome is at long last getting official native support for media keys in the upcoming… Google Chrome is getting official multimedia key support next month []
Google Chrome 73, the next version of the web browser, will support multimedia keys on keyboards… Google Chrome 73 to support multimedia keys on the keyboard []
Google is testing out a new dark mode for its Chrome browser. 9to5Google reports that both macOS… Chrome is getting a dark mode for Windows 10 and macOS []
The overwhelming demand for dark modes in apps is beginning to see serious results now,… [Update: Now on MacOS] Native dark mode in Google Chrome for Windows 10 now available in Canary channel []