It’s vaporware until Epic CEO Sweeney sues Apple for a cut of the payments.
— Kontra (@counternotions) January 27, 2022
New story: Apple is nearing the debut of a Square-like service to let iPhone users accept payments with the tap of a credit card
— Mark Gurman (@markgurman) January 27, 2022
Apple occasionally take entire industries, and use their influence to create game-changing experiences.
— Peter Ramsey (@PeteRamsey) January 27, 2022
This may be a nothing burger, but it could be revolutionary for small businesses. ?
If third parties can’t use it, then I have a ton of questions about how this is supposed to actually work. Apple has super smart people on their payments teams, so I expect it will be good, but cutting out payment companies would be an odd sell.
— Matt Birchler (@mattbirchler) January 27, 2022
Unless Apple is about to unveil a suite of backend software to support this from the small biz side, I don't see how this is impacts $SQ.
— Plant (@plantmath1) January 27, 2022
Its only RFID or Apple Pay so you'll need another service for the rest. Samsung has had this for 3 years and it hasn't impacted anyone.