If I wanted my profile picture to be hosted off-site with a non-zero chance of any outage affecting my Internet presence, I would have stuck with Gravatar. https://t.co/dY2PTgxCio
— Yuri Litvinenko (@ylitvinenko) January 20, 2022
Once again, @web3isgreat https://t.co/cU8xnSNhzq
— Nicholas Weaver (@ncweaver) January 20, 2022
Your NFT is a product of a website, not a blockchain.
— Guy Swann ⚡️ (@TheGuySwann) January 21, 2022
It’s important to know what you are *actually* buying, not what you wish it was, or what others say it is. NFTs are URLs* to a centralized server that displays jpegs.
For those who’d like to know:https://t.co/4cINLIYOGI https://t.co/C8GEpuK8Dy
*So* decentralised! I sure do love hosting my monkey jpegs on an unreliable 3rd party! https://t.co/YvpA9yHaMd
— Terence Eden (@edent) January 20, 2022
Looks like Twitter added support for NFT profile pictures before OpenSea did pic.twitter.com/iwzGe95uEV
— Peter Sterne (@petersterne) January 20, 2022
I have a tremendous amount of respect for @kelseyhightower doing the legwork earnestly researching crypto and web3 and coming out the other side with complete clarity/no bullshit about what it actually is about.https://t.co/vGRvw47RUg
— jedmund is at home (@jedmund) January 20, 2022
OpenSea continues to be an industry-leading mess.
— JacobSilverman.shill (@SilvermanJacob) January 20, 2022
Decentralization always ends up being, in theory I could run my own server but in practice I’ll just use the services of the largest tech company in the space. https://t.co/J7jziaU5vM
— Dare Obasanjo (@Carnage4Life) January 20, 2022
That's the thing. None of this stuff is about decentralizing power. It's about transferring power to a new group looking to get a head start with none of the responsibility. https://t.co/fNszD3zpTg
— Kelsey Hightower (@kelseyhightower) January 20, 2022
Wait I thought it was decentralized? https://t.co/i9dK4Dh22T pic.twitter.com/wgJHu7jFrh
— Bitfinex’ed ? (@Bitfinexed) January 20, 2022
lol @ Twitter announcing NFT profile pictures on the same day as the system breaks down due to a dependency on OpenSea's verification API. ? https://t.co/oBEgpUgY8E
— Matt DesLauriers (@mattdesl) January 20, 2022
New: Some people can't see their expensive NFTs because OpenSea is down.
— Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai (@lorenzofb) January 20, 2022
Gotta love the "decentralized" web3. https://t.co/K8sTWeOw8y
Web3 fixes this https://t.co/beXwnTw3T4
— Casey Newton (@CaseyNewton) January 20, 2022
This story gets at something fundamental that few NFT proponents are willing to own up to: they aren't files! They're file *redirects*! Signs pointing toward the thing! The vehicle, not the tenor!https://t.co/SzIVixxI6c
— Kevin Collier (@kevincollier) January 20, 2022
OpenSea is down
— Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) January 20, 2022
Twitter uses OpenSea’s API for loading NFTs
Therefore, Twitter’s NFT feature is down#decentralization pic.twitter.com/Etqjvwhi9Y
Don't worry it's broken today because the Very Decentralised™ system is entirely dependent on OpenSea's API https://t.co/K51d3rQTXw
— Toby Pinder (@tobypinder) January 20, 2022
If only there was some sort of decentralized database with linked blocks, like a chainblock of sorts
— Martino Wong (@martinowong) January 20, 2022
Are you telling me that AWS multi-AZ is actually the real decentralized web https://t.co/0lFvbbjLNV
— Kirbee (@kirbeep) January 20, 2022
Reminder that OpenSea is a centralized platform marketplace with decentralized transactions. https://t.co/usoYiaiIHP
— David Galbraith (@daveg) January 21, 2022
Actually, it does fix this.
— Dan Romero (@dwr) January 20, 2022
web3 is about permissionless access to the underlying data of the networks / protocols. Developers and users are free to choose clients and API providers. pic.twitter.com/5SYIN7OBFc
OpenSea 의 데이터베이스 장애로 OpenSea API 에 의존하는 트위터, MetaMask 의 NFT 표시에 문제 발생
— lunamoth (@lunamoth) January 21, 2022
이게 바로 웹3 이군요
People Can’t See Some NFTs on Twitter, Crypto Wallets After OpenSea Goes Down https://t.co/PF5Rc0zvbR
OpenSea continues to be an industry-leading mess.
— JacobSilverman.shill (@SilvermanJacob) January 20, 2022
A Thursday outage interfered with the ability of MetaMask, which depends on OpenSea, to automatically display new NFTs. https://t.co/0O38wYYSdz
— Motherboard (@motherboard) January 21, 2022
— Annie's Pandaemonium Burger ??? (@ann_arcana) January 20, 2022
JUST IN: Twitter Blue users on iOS can now display NFTs as profile pictures!https://t.co/5NTVFtX9pK
— The Moon (@TheMoonCarl) January 20, 2022
Twitter's new NFT avatars are only on iOS for now, but you can get ahead of the game and mute them on PC right now. https://t.co/MnmmHSVfBK
— PC Gamer (@pcgamer) January 20, 2022
Still no edit button, though...
— Marcus "MajorLinux" Summers (@MajorLinux) January 20, 2022
Twitter has hexagonal NFT avatars now, and there's already a way to mass-mute everyone who uses them https://t.co/xmE9zcrC8I pic.twitter.com/8j7r3eVPoj
Twitter announced that it would be rolling out iOS support for non-fungible token, or #NFT, hexagonal avatars ?https://t.co/KXEYcQ3srM
— CoinPayments (@CoinPaymentsNET) January 21, 2022
Twitter Blue rolls out NFT profile pics for iOS https://t.co/zUrAxo1Ei0#CleanNFTs #NFTCommunity #nftcollectors #NFTs #NFTGiveaway#NFT #nftart #generative #NFTdrop
— David NFT Art (@Davids_enjoys) January 21, 2022