A loss somewhere is someone else's gain in #business @tnatw Why China's crackdown on edtech companies augurs well for Indian startups https://t.co/SkV04uAfzE via @YourStoryCo
— Vinay Kumar, CPF (@vincekumar) July 27, 2021
really good work from @nmasc_ on the startup impact from the recent edtech regulatory changes in China https://t.co/ieT3VvJMw5
— alex (@alex) July 27, 2021
Edtech's venture-backed globalisation pauses at China. The energy for India edtech meanwhile is palpable. India prioritises education and the nation’s rising GDP per capita could make for a massive market down the road.https://t.co/MAZxEhB8pc via @techcrunch
— Chris Akers (@sportschris) July 28, 2021