Google: we let other app stores on, unlike Apple.
— Mark Bergen (@mhbergen) July 8, 2021
AGs: oh yeah, but what about Amazon?? (Amazon wouldn't say if it cooperated with AGs.) story w/ @mattmday https://t.co/l3A1okjvbE
Later this year, streaming apps will have to offer Google in-app purchases. If they don’t, they’re disallowed from even hinting that there are other ways to subscribe outside the Play Store.
— Dieter Bohn (@backlon) July 8, 2021
Just like on iOS. pic.twitter.com/dmLg5gQCqt
Pre-installing apps and not allowing companies or users to delete them is a classic carrier move. pic.twitter.com/6MM3MDEPjI
— Dieter Bohn (@backlon) July 7, 2021
This is a quite bizarre example of Google completely failing to read the room. https://t.co/p4Tt6eav4K
— Charles Arthur (@charlesarthur) July 8, 2021
This isn't common knowledge? Samsung's Tizen and app store simply vanishing and suddenly they were best buds with Google.
— Angry IT Guy (@oneangryitguy) July 8, 2021
Did anyone think this came with no compensation? https://t.co/yzO0EKL35G
구글, 삼성 갤럭시 스토어 없애려고 시도한 사실 확인
— lunamoth (@lunamoth) July 8, 2021
Google feared Samsung Galaxy Store and tried to quash it, lawsuit alleges - The Verge https://t.co/SwYVvXY8uT