“While celebrity Y is sleeping, their voice might be out and about, recording radio spots, reading audiobooks, and much more.”
— Mark O. Riedl (@mark_riedl) May 14, 2021
Or whoever owns the copyright to your voice https://t.co/aiBQCj337x
The sheer amount of potential this holds for phishing, social engineering, blackmail, stirring up false scandals, etc... between this and deepfakes, we're rapidly approaching a point where we can no longer trust any recorded evidence. https://t.co/NM04xesTc3
— ? new EP out June 5! ? Amber Alex ?️⚧️ (@misandryalex) May 14, 2021
potentially interesting implications for the podcast advertising world here. who need rogan to read an ad when his AI can handle it https://t.co/99Z0Vvy8Iw
— Ashley Carman (@ashleyrcarman) May 14, 2021
Celebrities and influencers can now clone their voices, letting them make $$$ off of approved deepfakes:https://t.co/hS3PmGpiWi
— Jeremy Goldman (@jeremarketer) May 14, 2021
never let us get our hands on this technology for the podcast https://t.co/ucEzi0yw0e
— Into the Aether ? (@intothecast) May 14, 2021
Hmmm. Assuming the underlying tech is any good, will be really interesting if they can create TTS voices for use in a screen reading context. Veritone launches new platform to let celebrities and influencers clone their voice with AI https://t.co/KvqHFGZtnF
— Mosen At Large Podcast (@MosenAtLarge) May 14, 2021
It seems fairly obvious that deep fake tech will be a free app in under 5 years, and its greatest victims will be ordinary people being bullied in a multitude of creative ways https://t.co/lPJYKFHV5O
— Jamie Bartlett (@JamieJBartlett) May 14, 2021
Hmm. "Recording advertisements & product endorsements can be lucrative work for celebrities & influencers. But is it too much like hard work? https://t.co/JopaCgJBjN (will) let creators…generate #deepfake clones of their voice to license as they wish." https://t.co/LKx2P1v1mA
— Amber Mac (@ambermac) May 14, 2021
I'm all for the development of technology and improving society but the whole deep fake voice and face thing seems like it will have a negative impact on the creative world. for the people who do anything related to voice or video, what do you think? https://t.co/iZd1SoYEQZ
— Time For Your Hobby Podcast (@tfyhpodcast) May 14, 2021
AI powered voice clones, interesting implications for publicity rights? https://t.co/MN3cd8eyzX
— Andres Guadamuz (@technollama) May 15, 2021
deepfake voice clones could be going mainstream: Veritone is launching a new "speech as a service" platform to let celebrities, influencers, and others clone their voices using AI and license them outhttps://t.co/Iq6y6scvBI
— James Vincent (@jjvincent) May 14, 2021
leave Tom Waits alone https://t.co/HU8jP6pBjq
— Riana Pfefferkorn (@Riana_Crypto) May 14, 2021
Text-to-speech and voice clones are getting much, much better, narrowing the uncanny valley.
— Evo Terra (he/him) ??? (@evoterra) May 14, 2021
But the valley remains deep. For now. https://t.co/kWEDNcKM9f
Happy Friday Twitter!
— Nick Tang (@nickhtang) May 14, 2021
You can make $$$ from your voice. If you work as a voice over actor/actress in #Hollywood, it means that you’ll spend less time in the recording studio. More time making $$$ from your voice.
Need proof? @veritoneinc has it:https://t.co/PqwFwS2uZo pic.twitter.com/7Z1CcqTlTy