Clown show over freaking lost-key-finders.
— AAPL Tree (@AAPLTree) April 21, 2021
Congress: Beclowning itself for the past who knows how many years
This is the sort of safety-conscious feature you get when you remember that stalkers, harassers, and other terrible people exist—and you think about how they’ll abuse your product, and design accordingly.
— Alex Chan (@alexwlchan) April 20, 2021
By far my favourite thing from the #AppleEvent. ? 중간에 내용 보니 스토킹에 사용되는걸 방지하기 위한 방안도 넣었는데 해커뉴스에서 나온 이야기를 보니 그럼 도둑질 방지에는 사용이 안 되는거 아니냐? 이런 이야기가. 생각해보니 에어태그 입장에서 도둑질과 스토킹을 구분할 방법이 마땅하지 않음.
— minchul park (@summerlight00) April 21, 2021
Oh this is good.
— Filippo Valsorda ??? (@FiloSottile) April 20, 2021
Before questioning Apple stance as an innovative company - bc in last 2y they launched an Alexa Echo copy, a Netflix copy, aTile copy, soon to come a Tesla copy, think USER EXPERIENCE. Innovation is not always in the interface, but in the ecosystem?
— Maria Luciana Axente #MayThe4thBewithYou (@maria_axente) April 21, 2021
? "As a user moves, Precision Finding fuses input from the camera, ARKit, accelerometer, and gyroscope, and then will guide them to AirTag using a combination of sound, haptics, and visual feedback."
— Tom Emrich (@tomemrich) April 21, 2021
A group of dads in my village has been trying to convince me to build something to track our kids in the park - since I’m the tech guy. The challenge is connectivity outside Bluetooth range. Now Apple has introduced AirTag which uses all billion phones
— Stone (@StoneAtwine) April 20, 2021
애플 보도자료 업데이트 (영문, 총 7개)
— lunamoth (@lunamoth) April 20, 2021
1. 애플카드
2. 팟캐스트
3. 에어태그
4. 애플TV 4K
Apple released a bunch of products today.
— Christopher Parsons (@caparsons) April 20, 2021
One of them was AirTags (see: These are designed to be either attached to something (e.g., your keys) or stashed in something (e.g., your car) to help you find that object should it go missing.
network is approaching a billion Apple devices and can detect Bluetooth signals from a lost AirTag and relay the location back to its owner, all in the background, anonymously and privately."
— Privacy Matters ? (@PrivacyMatters) April 21, 2021
As I said, just pondering these things ....
— ベンじい? (@GrandpaBen3) April 21, 2021
— MasashiAgena aka Lawless (@MasashiAgena) April 21, 2021