It astounds me that Amazon makes money like this and, in cities like Boston, we essentially subsidize them by freeing them of things like parking and traffic regulations. Not to mention doing all their recycling for them.
— Ryan D. Enos (@RyanDEnos) April 30, 2021
Apple has been really firing on all cylinders lately as folks say. latest iOS is maybe the perfect OS. The M chip is a revelation. Airpods continue to be wonderful. I have rarely been as satisfied with tech as with recent apple stuff.
— farhad manjoo (@fmanjoo) April 29, 2021
Amazon's market cap grew by $860 billion since the beginning of 2020 ( and its drivers are peeing in bottles to avoid infractions on their records or getting fired. (
— julia alexander (@loudmouthjulia) April 29, 2021
lol, what a broken world.
The last time Apple showed >100% growth in any of these line items was 9 years ago, Q1 2012 iPad growth.
— Horace Dediu (@asymco) April 29, 2021
Apple’s iPhone sales are greater than Microsoft’s total revenue in the last quarter
— Sar Haribhakti (@sarthakgh) April 29, 2021
Half of people buying iPads and Macs are new users of those products
More paid subscriptions to services than 3x Netflix base
Words failed me to explain the BANANAS status of the Big Five.
— Shira Ovide (@ShiraOvide) April 29, 2021
Tech giants aren't making bonkers dollars in spite of the pandemic. They have grown stronger *because* of the pandemic.
It’s both logical and slightly nuts.
the big 5 tech companies' annual revenue is now roughly equivalent to the GDP of Mexico.
— Jesse Lehrich (@JesseLehrich) April 29, 2021
Why should it be surprising that businesses which sell a greater proportion of digital services (i.e.,more bits than atoms) are accelerating their sales given that an already powerful transition to a cloud software driven economy was pulled dramatically forward?
— Tren Griffin (@trengriffin) April 30, 2021
'The wildly successful last year raises uncomfortable questions for tech co. bosses and elected officials already peeved about the industry: Is what’s good for Big Tech good for America? Or are the tech superstars winning while the rest of us are losing?'
— Jesse Felder (@jessefelder) April 30, 2021
Great wrap of big tech earnings & their "bonkers dollars" via @ShiraOvide
— Deirdre Bosa (@dee_bosa) April 30, 2021
"The dictionary doesn’t have enough superlatives to describe what’s happening to the five biggest technology companies"
I've tried and failed several times to explain to non-tech friends how rich people in tech are getting right now, so I'm glad @ShiraOvide is also struggling to describe it
— Kevin Roose (@kevinroose) April 30, 2021
Apple has collected $2.5 trillion in revenues in the last 15 years.
— Horace Dediu (@asymco) April 29, 2021
From June 13th, 2020.
— Ranjan (@ranjanxroy) April 29, 2021
Spoiler - they took it.
Read bonkers @ShiraOvide on the bonkers big tech earnings this week
— Joanna Stern (@JoannaStern) April 30, 2021
The five most important companies in tech (the FAAAM) reported earnings up 41% this quarter. That's insane, and there's reason to think they're just going to keep growing
— David Pierce (@pierce) April 29, 2021
One bonkers stat out of many possible bonkers stats:
— Shira Ovide (@ShiraOvide) April 29, 2021
In less than a week, the Big Five generate more sales than McDonald's does in a year.
Amazon's market cap grew BY ALMOST A FACEBOOK ($860 billion) just since the beginning of 2020.
— Shira Ovide (@ShiraOvide) April 29, 2021
The hard thing to explain isn't how much the CEOs are making. (CEOs have always made a lot!) It's the sheer *number* of people making high 6 or low 7 figures, whose net worth has skyrocketed in the past year from IPOs/crypto gains/RSUs vesting at insane prices.
— Kevin Roose (@kevinroose) April 30, 2021
1/ "Facebook's U.S. revenue accounts for almost half its total."
— Tren Griffin (@trengriffin) April 30, 2021
How much of Facebook's productivity isn't included in US GDP?
Mind-boggling numbers from @ShiraOvide about how much richer the tech giants got during the pandemic, and how completely they've diverged from the rest of the economy
— Harry Siegel (@harrysiegel) April 30, 2021
It takes awhile to get to the point:
— Jeff Jarvis (@jeffjarvis) April 30, 2021
"Big Tech’s pandemic big bucks have an understandable root cause: We needed its services."
Yes. And imagine if we had had to endure the pandemic without the net.
There are over 660 million paid subscriptions across the services on Apple platforms, up 145 million since last year. Rate of growth was 30 million/quarter for 3 years. 35 million/quarter for 1 year. It is now 40 million/quarter. 1 billion subs likely in 2023.
— Horace Dediu (@asymco) April 29, 2021
I cannot explain how wild all these numbers are. There is a pandemic. The U.S. economy contracted last year.
— Shira Ovide (@ShiraOvide) April 29, 2021
It was no sure thing that big tech companies would do fine. {NARRATOR's VOICE: THEY DID VERY FINE.}
Three of the four biggest names in tech have reported earnings so far this week. Takeaways so far:
— Protocol (@protocol) April 29, 2021
- The ad business is no longer a two-company race
- Everyone's nervous about the chip shortage
- Facebook is terrified of Apple's privacy changes changeschanges
"The combined yearly revenue of Amazon, Apple, Alphabet, Microsoft & Facebook is $1.2 trillion, >25% higher than [before] pandemic. In less than a week, those 5 giants make more in sales than McDonald’s does in a year." @ShiraOvide on where we've arrived:
— Alec MacGillis (@AlecMacGillis) April 30, 2021
Words failed me to explain the BANANAS status of the Big Five.
— Shira Ovide (@ShiraOvide) April 29, 2021
Tech giants aren't making bonkers dollars in spite of the pandemic. They have grown stronger *because* of the pandemic.
It’s both logical and slightly nuts.
Read bonkers @ShiraOvide on the bonkers big tech earnings this week
— Joanna Stern (@JoannaStern) April 30, 2021
“The combined yearly revenue of Amazon, Apple, Alphabet, Microsoft and Facebook is about $1.2 trillion, 25% higher than when the pandemic started to bite in 2020. In less than a week, those five giants make more in sales than McDonald’s does in a year.”
— Christopher Mims (@mims) April 30, 2021
I cannot explain how wild all these numbers are. There is a pandemic. The U.S. economy contracted last year.
— Shira Ovide (@ShiraOvide) April 29, 2021
It was no sure thing that big tech companies would do fine. {NARRATOR's VOICE: THEY DID VERY FINE.}
Stock futures dip as Wall Street nears end of intense earnings week
— CNBC (@CNBC) April 29, 2021
Tech giants absolutely crushed earnings last quarter
— Sara Fischer (@sarafischer) April 30, 2021
— A strong recovery in the ad market and continued reliance on cloud services and at-home entertainment have given most tech firms a boost
Big Tech crushed earnings this past quarter, proving the resilience of their businesses even as the country begins to emerge from the pandemic.
— Axios (@axios) April 30, 2021
In today's On Tech: Want more bonkers Big Tech stats?!
— Shira Ovide (@ShiraOvide) April 30, 2021
*Jeff Bezos is worth more than 1.5 Goldman Sachs
*Apple's extra stock buybacks are equivalent to the GDP of Kenya
*Amazon's capex is 2x+ what Exxon spends on oil & gas exploration.