Wuhan Hongxin Semiconductor Manufacturing is one of six multibillion-dollar chip projects to fail in China in the last two years.
— Kontra (@counternotions) March 25, 2021
(Turns out it ain't that easy.) https://t.co/du8I10OnYs
Head of TSMC and also Chairman of Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association defends Taiwan for the criticism that its leading position in global chip production was to blame for the serious chip shortage @NikkeiAsia https://t.co/nftUzWMbiQ
— Cheng Ting-Fang (@ChengTingFang) March 30, 2021
$TSM guided for 2021 capex of $25B-$28B, and might spend ~$4.5B this year on R&D.
— Eric Jhonsa (@EricJhonsa) April 1, 2021
This comment suggests their capex/R&D spend will average ~$33.5B-$35B/year in 2022 and 2023, with maybe ~$27.5B-$29B/year spent on capex (assuming R&D grows ~20%/year).https://t.co/PXDyY7ed1r pic.twitter.com/7hbKT9mL8i
"It's economically unrealistic for all the countries to build additional chip production capacity," says chairman of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., the world's biggest contract chipmaker.https://t.co/l8LYaDHmLu
— Nikkei Asia (@NikkeiAsia) March 30, 2021
Yes, been saying this for some time..
— Paul Triolo (@pstAsiatech) March 31, 2021
The head of world's biggest contract chipmaker has said the rush by major economies to onshore semiconductor production is "unrealistic" and that expanding capacity would not help alleviate the global chip shortage. https://t.co/T4hlJuP9eA
Big move for the Taiwan ecosystem https://t.co/Q3fKqPPaRL
— Taylor Schaude (@TaylorSchaude) April 1, 2021
Semiconductor manufacturing is not for the faint of heart, or the wallet. Cautionary tale from China.https://t.co/eTGTLi6D8M pic.twitter.com/tXLTPCd8dr
— Subrahmanyam KVJ (@SuB8u) April 1, 2021
Are Intel shareholders ok with the company spending $100 billion on a foundry business? https://t.co/hVNVuflb1h
— Alistair Barr (@alistairmbarr) April 1, 2021
Intel in 2007 was concerned about Innovator's Dilemma disruption to its CPU business, and so it started the Atom line to make x86 cheaper. But it somehow overlooked its core competency of the time: chip manufacturing. Now TSMC has fully disrupted them. https://t.co/XXnSz6GqYf
— Bryan Catanzaro (@ctnzr) April 1, 2021
So the U.S. as a country is investing $200B per year on infrastructure as the most ambitious “one in a generation” effort. TSM, a chip manufacturer in Taiwan, is investing $33B/year or 1/6 of the U.S. entire infrastructure plan? https://t.co/5aQJZq7KGP
— Steve Hou (@stevehouf) April 1, 2021
"Liu also confirmed for the first time that there is a serious "double-booking" effect in the industry, in which clients place orders for more chips than they actually intend to use."https://t.co/3GJRP0y4ue
— Fritz (@Fritz844) March 31, 2021
TSMC, the world's biggest contract chipmaker, plans to invest $100 billion over the next three years to expand production capacity as it moves from 5nm to 4nm and 3nm process towards the end of this year. #silicon #semiconductor #chipsetwars https://t.co/wlf3d4UP60
— Jonathan Lishawa (@jlishawa) April 1, 2021
Wow.. TSMC lays out plans to invest $100 billion over next 3 years to satisfy chip demand | Reuters https://t.co/mf59rs6DRm
— William Davidson ₿TC ??? (@wmdavidson_btc) April 1, 2021
Chip manufacturing giant TSMC to invest $100 billion over three years to grow its capacity https://t.co/8NXgQIjcp8
— The Block (@TheBlock__) April 1, 2021
TSMC head says drive to onshore chip supply chain is 'unrealistic' https://t.co/FbuargPziG
— Bonnie Glaser / 葛來儀 (@BonnieGlaser) March 31, 2021
"Liu also confirmed for the first time that there is a serious "double-booking" effect in the industry, in which clients place orders for more chips than they actually intend to use."https://t.co/3GJRP0y4ue
— Fritz (@Fritz844) March 31, 2021
Yes, been saying this for some time..
— Paul Triolo (@pstAsiatech) March 31, 2021
The head of world's biggest contract chipmaker has said the rush by major economies to onshore semiconductor production is "unrealistic" and that expanding capacity would not help alleviate the global chip shortage. https://t.co/T4hlJuP9eA
Head of TSMC and also Chairman of Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association defends Taiwan for the criticism that its leading position in global chip production was to blame for the serious chip shortage @NikkeiAsia https://t.co/nftUzWMbiQ
— Cheng Ting-Fang (@ChengTingFang) March 30, 2021
TSMC head says drive to onshore chip supply chain is 'unrealistic' https://t.co/7xIAXNZvy9
— Evan Feigenbaum (@EvanFeigenbaum) March 30, 2021
Parece que a demanda de chips realmente explodiu hein... vim avisando aqui e no TC!! Que porrada.
— Omar Ajame (@omarajame) April 1, 2021
TSMC to Spend $100 Billion Over Three Years to Grow Capacity https://t.co/fP5LvDT5Zd
TSMC to Spend $100 Billion Over Three Years to Grow Capacity https://t.co/S6WRkH2T8q TSMC、ヤバいですね…。3年で11兆円の巨額生産拡大投資。他の半導体メーカーをぶっちぎりにきましたね…
— Yuta Kashino (@yutakashino) April 1, 2021
半導体大手の台湾積体電路製造(TSMC)、今後3年で設備投資1000億ドルって相当勢いありますね https://t.co/DWqrF2APvt
— 全力米国株 (@komcdspxl) April 1, 2021
$TSMC to invest $100 billion over three years to grow capacity https://t.co/ptG2LrKntc via @technology
— Stephanie Link (@Stephanie_Link) April 1, 2021
$236 billion. Pretty soon, you’re talking real money. ?
— Carl Quintanilla (@carlquintanilla) April 1, 2021
(via @business) $TSMC $INTChttps://t.co/s7UnqgWqeM pic.twitter.com/VJ6nZKlNAS
블룸버그, TSMC, 3년간 1000억달러(약110조원) 반도체 생산 능력 확대 위해 투자 예정. https://t.co/95nX0uaK4E
— Montani semper liberi (@ecolibertas) April 1, 2021
$TSM plans to spend $100B in next 3 years, after $INTC announces plan to spend $20B in next 4 years.
— Kevin Xu (@kevinsxu) April 1, 2021
All TSMC plants "have been running at 100% utilization in the past 12 months and still it has not been able to catch up to the demand."
Game on.https://t.co/qFSTLGIEr7
Intel plans to spend $20B over the next 4 years to dig itself out of a 5yr hole. While TSMC is spending $100B over the next 3 to leapfrog even further.
— Amit ⚡️ (@gravicle) April 1, 2021
They are just in different leagues now. The kind of lead Intel used to have but squandered.https://t.co/7mXokZw5T1
"#TSMC supplies almost all of ?'s major chip developers, incl #Apple, #Qualcomm & Nvidia. It & other Taiwanese chipmakers incl United Microelectronics & Powerchip Semiconductor Manuf Corp play a central role in the global #semiconductor #supplychain"https://t.co/Tk0YKk5Wx5
— China Beige Book (@ChinaBeigeBook) April 1, 2021
"Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. is asking clients to accept higher prices as it ramps up investment to deal with a "structural and fundamental increase" in chip demand." https://t.co/2H7dHZBi6P
— Martijn Rasser (@MartijnRasser) April 1, 2021
TSMC is investing $100 billion by 2023 to expand production to alleviate the global chip shortage while suspends price discounts from the end of 2021. Started hiring thousands of staff, acquiring equipment and land! @NikkeiAsia https://t.co/m3BB2t8Gc1
— Cheng Ting-Fang (@ChengTingFang) April 1, 2021
TSMC cancels chip price cuts and promises $100bn investment surge - Nikkei Asia https://t.co/9Wl9G1GwWT
— Paul Triolo (@pstAsiatech) April 1, 2021
TSMC to spend US$100 billion on capacity expansion in 3 years #Bits #chips #capacity #equipment #fabless #foundry #ICdesign #distribution #ICmanufacturing #price #TSMC #DIGITIMES https://t.co/mbG5NpICG7 pic.twitter.com/xHf8sGeZFa
— DIGITIMES, Inc. (@DigitimesDotCom) April 1, 2021
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company plans to invest $100 billion over the next 3 years to increase capacity at its plants. That’s some serious amount of cash being invested into chip manufacturing plants.https://t.co/igl8tnXdhi
— hardmaru (@hardmaru) April 2, 2021
TSMC is on fire ?
— Iqbal Yusuf (@Iqbal_WHYUNO) April 1, 2021
Intel pun tak boleh lawan TSMC
ini kan pula Silterra (baca: DNEX)
To be profitable in this business you need to have scale.. and to do that you need to pour tens of billions of dollar.https://t.co/EgSfaNt8vC
— Peter Morgan (@psimpsonmorgan) April 2, 2021
TSMC to Spend USD 100 Billion Over Three Years to Grow Chip Capacity https://t.co/OCQvWLooqG
Wow big news from TSMC, wonder what the geopolitical implications are.https://t.co/aYWjqckag5
— Tapa Ghosh (@semiDL) April 2, 2021
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSMC) cancels chip price cuts and promises $100bn investment surgehttps://t.co/CDhCZyzkqo
— US-Taiwan Business Council (@ustaiwan) April 1, 2021
“Taiwan’s chip suppliers have agreed to back the Taiwanese government’s call to help fast-track production for automotive chips to help the global car industry.” https://t.co/JnqzALhKa6
— Johnson Chiang 姜森 (@sen_chiang) April 1, 2021