Is this a strategic bet on offices or a way to build political power across the country as an employer? Journalism needs more rigor when reporting on strategic decisions like this. via @WSJ
— Teddy Downey (@TeddyDowney) March 18, 2021
This is good; Google is publishing detailed data on how green its cloud infrastructure is around the world. Will businesses start taking this into account when they are deciding where their apps will live? via @daphneleprince tip @Techmeme
— Steve Ranger (@steveranger) March 18, 2021
Your periodic reminder that Google spent more than $22 billion last year on stuff like data centers, new offices and servers.
— Shira Ovide (@ShiraOvide) March 18, 2021
That's more than Exxon spent digging oil and gas out of the ground.
Data is the new oil, etc.
how much of those $7b are for datacenters? which are way more expensive than office space
— Alex B ? (@somospostpc) March 18, 2021
To put this into context, this is about 1/6th of the entire GDP of the U.K./India and more than 1/4th of Canada. Talk about impact to the world and creating opportunity. Wow
— Kaushik Subramanian (@TheHolyKau) March 18, 2021
Today, we’re announcing plans to invest an additional $7 billion and create at least 10,000 new jobs in the US in 2021. We’re expanding operations in 19 states across the country.
— Kent Walker (@Kent_Walker) March 18, 2021
Our US economic impact in 2020: Google’s products helped provide $426B of economic activity for 2M businesses, publishers & more. This year, we plan to create 10K Google jobs and invest $7B in offices+data centers in 19 states, including $1B in California.
— Sundar Pichai (@sundarpichai) March 18, 2021
Google said Thursday that was planning to invest $7 billion in offices and data centers in 19 states this year. It is the latest tech giant to expand its footprint while other companies retrench in a commercial real estate market roiled by the pandemic.
— NYTimes Tech (@nytimestech) March 18, 2021
Someone is worried about regulation lol
— alex (@alex) March 18, 2021
Google to spend $1 billion expanding its California home state, saying “coming together” is core to its culture
— Chris Mattmann (@chrismattmann) March 18, 2021
“I believe a lasting economic recovery will come from local communities, and the people and small businesses that give them life.”
— Google (@Google) March 18, 2021
Today @sundarpichai shared how we’re investing in the U.S. to help boost economic recovery.
New: Google is spending $7 billion on offices and data centers across the U.S., signalling a big interest in hiring outside the Bay Area. Is it chasing the flood of talent that’s already left Silicon Valley?
— Parmy Olson (@parmy) March 18, 2021
Google Pledges $7 Billion Investment to Create Jobs in U.S.
— The Compound (@TheCompoundNews) March 18, 2021
Google to spend $7 billion in 2021 on US offices, data centers by @ldignan
— ZDNet (@ZDNet) March 18, 2021
Google to invest $7 billion in buildings, add 10,000 jobs this year
— New York Post (@nypost) March 18, 2021
“We have solidly shifted into a world where a large-scale problem of long-term unemployment is now a reality,” @TillvonWachter said. Via @bencasselman:
— CA Policy Lab (@CAPolicyLab) March 18, 2021