구글 크롬 89 메모리 사용량 줄어듦
— lunamoth (@lunamoth) March 12, 2021
▲윈도우 : 프로세스 22%, 렌더러 8%, GPU 3% ▲맥 : 메모리 8% 줄임, CPU 5배 적게 사용, 배터리 수명 1.25 시간 증가
Chromium Blog: Advanced memory management and more performance improvements in M89 https://t.co/RJTku04gS8
#Google has finally solved #Chrome’s heavy-memory usage problem on Windows, macOS & Android. The Chrome M89 version is showing ‘significant’ #memory #savings on Windows - by up to 22% in the browser process, 8% in the renderer and 3% in the GPU. https://t.co/7NsLuSCWKR
— Carles Dijous (AAlb) (@carlesdijous) March 12, 2021