UK Competition agency will investigate Apple's App Store rules. I wrote about this last summer: the principle of rules, a sandbox and a store are good, but Apple's rules are a mess and the in-app payment rules stopped making sense a decade ago.
— Benedict Evans (@benedictevans) March 4, 2021
Another App Store Antitrust investigation gets underway in the UK: "We know that businesses, as well as consumers, may suffer real harm if anti-competitive practices by big tech go unchecked." ?
— DHH (@dhh) March 4, 2021
“This will be the first time the EU has brought formal charges against Apple, after opening up a series of antitrust probes into the company’s business practices” ???
— DHH (@dhh) March 4, 2021
I wonder if it's time for Apple to stop charging a 30% cut in markets, like Music, where it also directly competes.
— Lance Ulanoff (@LanceUlanoff) March 4, 2021
Fresh of an initial investigation into Apple's business practices in the UK, Brussels is now getting ready to charge Apple of distorting competition in its App Store
— Javier Espinoza (@JavierespFT) March 4, 2021
A few notes on Apple's clarification of 'default audio apps' in iOS 14.5:
— Federico Viticci (@viticci) March 4, 2021
And rightly so. Apple's treatment of app developers as second class citizens is no longer acceptable. I am delighted the claims made by our clients have received the attention of the CMA.
— damien geradin (@GeradinLaw) March 4, 2021
“Apple said in a statement that it looks forward to working with the CMA”, lol. We just loooove all these investigations into our illegal monopoly practices, here at Apple ?
— DHH (@dhh) March 4, 2021
Our investigation will consider Apple's market position, and whether it’s imposing unfair and anti-competitive terms on developers.
— Competition & Markets Authority (@CMAgovUK) March 4, 2021
Find out more:
iOS 14.5 can't set a default music app for Siri, just a preference
— iMore (@iMore) March 4, 2021
Apple clarifies that iOS 14.5 won’t let you permanently choose a new default music service
— The Verge (@verge) March 4, 2021