President Biden urges workers to vote in the Amazon union drive in Alabama. He doesn’t outright endorse unionization, saying it’s up to the workers, but makes clear he’s supportive and that the company shouldn’t meddle.
— Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) March 1, 2021
I’ve never seen a president do this before. This is extraordinary.
— Timothy Noah (@TimothyNoah1) March 1, 2021
You don’t have to like him but as a matter of plain fact Biden is now *by far* the most pro-union president of my lifetime and the labor movement better get every last thing it can get before 2022.
— Hamilton Nolan (@hamiltonnolan) March 1, 2021
Have seen some griping that Biden’s language wasn’t more aggressive in urging workers to vote for the union or in attacking Amazon. But there are also a lot of leaders from labor and the left lauding this bc it’s further than his predecessors have gone.
— Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) March 1, 2021
Union @RWDSU’s @sappelbaum had called on the admin to weigh in and thanks Biden for “sending a clear message of support” for the Amazon union drive in Alabama.
— Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) March 1, 2021
Threats and intimidation by unions oddly omitted
— Ron Coleman (@RonColeman) March 1, 2021
When in pro union video Biden attacks anti-union intimidation and propaganda from employers he is subverting/contradicting the standard operating procedure of thousands of corporations backstopped by union hostile courts and law firms.
— Nelson Lichtenstein (@NelsonLichtens1) March 1, 2021
American workers finally have a president who understands the power of a union card.
— Sherrod Brown (@SenSherrodBrown) March 1, 2021
"We haven't had this aggressive and positive of a statement from a president of the United States on behalf of workers in decade," says @fshakir, former Sanders aide and founder of @MorePerfectUS, -- which released series of videos on Amazon unionization effort
— Jeff Stein (@JStein_WaPo) March 1, 2021
Workers in Alabama – and all across America – are voting on whether to organize a union in their workplace. It’s a vitally important choice – one that should be made without intimidation or threats by employers.
— President Biden (@POTUS) March 1, 2021
Every worker should have a free and fair choice to join a union.
“There should be no intimidation, no coercion, no threats, no anti-union propaganda,” @JoeBiden says in video message about Amazon employees' ongoing vote on unionization in Alabama "every worker should have a free and fair choice to join a union" @jeneps
— Josh Eidelson (@josheidelson) March 1, 2021
If Amazon workers in Alabama – a strong anti-union state – vote to form a union, it'll be a shot heard around the world. If they can negotiate higher wages & better working conditions in the South, it'll benefit every worker in America. Thank you, Mr. President, for speaking out.
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) March 1, 2021
This is pretty remarkable. I don't ever remember a president doing anything like this. Thank you.
— Bill McKibben (@billmckibben) March 1, 2021
Stirring pro-trade union speech from @POTUS as workers in Alabama suffer intimidation from Amazon. I wish a British PM would be so forthright
— Kevin Maguire (@Kevin_Maguire) March 1, 2021
A useful read for the "just let tech companies run the vaccine websites" crowd:
— Shira Ovide (@ShiraOvide) March 1, 2021
D.C.'s vaccination portal failed three days in a row. It's part of a bigger problem. @cat_zakrzewski w/@aaronjschaffer in The Technology 202:
— Olivier Knox (@OKnox) March 1, 2021
“Let me be really clear: It’s not up to me to decide whether anyone should join a union. But let me be even more clear: It’s not up to an employer to decide that either. The choice to join a union is up to the workers.”
— ella dawson (@brosandprose) March 1, 2021
Biden on Amazon's union busting:
President Joe Biden shares a pro-union message with Amazon workers in Alabama. #BAmazon
— Athena ? (@athenaforall) March 1, 2021
Story @jeneps
Bosses have no business in a union election It is a matter of freedom of association @Org_Up @NelpNews @dorianwarren @BillFletcherJr @nbwcp @jwjnational @EDerenoncourt @DarrickHamilton @WSpriggs
— Black Work Talk: An OrgUp Podcast by Steven Pitts (@BlackWorkTalk) March 1, 2021