Still makes me unreasonably sad that this was the fate of Palm. I’d trade my iPhone in for one if they were still around.
— Ruben Schade ? (@Rubenerd) February 24, 2021
RCA has agreed to license LG's webOS operating system
— Matthew Keys (@MatthewKeysLive) February 24, 2021
Who gets to keep the TV owner’s second-by-second viewer tracking data? Probably both LG and the webOS licensee.
— Kevin Fox ?? (@kfury) February 24, 2021
Keep your TV off the internet, kids.
The little OS that could
— Steve Troughton-Smith (@stroughtonsmith) February 24, 2021
LG전자가 스마트TV용 웹OS를 외부 기업에 제공한다고 발표. 이미 20곳 이상의 기업들이 webOS 파트너사에 이름을 올렸는데, 기술적인 측면 외에도 콘텐츠 프로바이더로서 전 세계 홈 엔터테인먼트 시장 내 영향력을 높여갈거라고
— 금동우 (@ehddn1) February 24, 2021
LG’s webOS smart TV platform will soon be available on TVs from other brands
— XDA (@xdadevelopers) February 24, 2021