Microsoft starts removing #Flash from #Windows devices via new KB4577586 update!
— Andrea Draghetti ??? ? (@AndreaDraghetti) February 18, 2021
Microsoft starts removing Flash from Windows devices via new KB4577586 update by @campuscodi
— ZDNet (@ZDNet) February 17, 2021
Um... I don't really want you deleting shit from my computer without my permission @Microsoft
— Lord Victor (@lordvictor) February 18, 2021
Microsoft's next major Windows 10 update will be focused on improving remote work and arrive in the first half of 2021. It will include multiple Windows Hello cameras support, too. Full details here:
— Tom Warren (@tomwarren) February 18, 2021
MS, 차기 윈도우 10 메이저 업데이트는 원격근무 개선에 중점을 둘 것
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) February 18, 2021
- 윈도우 10의 차기 메이저 업데이트인 버전 21H1은 2021년 전반기에 출시될 예정이고 원격근무 시나리오에 초점을 맞출 것
- MS는 전통적으로 봄에 더 큰 기능들을, 가을에는 더 작은 기능들을 제공해
Microsoft’s next major Windows 10 update focuses on improving remote work
— The Verge (@verge) February 18, 2021
Microsoft’s next major Windows 10 update focuses on improving remote work...
— OSKOOL-G (@oskool_g) February 18, 2021