?? Uncovered (the first?) malicious program compiled to natively target Apple Silicon (M1/arm64)
— patrick wardle (@patrickwardle) February 17, 2021
And neat fact, was originally flagged & submitted via an @objective_see tool! ?
Read: "Arm'd & Dangerous"https://t.co/FKMMbcHCSt
An @objective_see tool, flagged what may be the first instance of malicious code that natively targets Apple Silicon (M1)! ??
— Objective-See (@objective_see) February 17, 2021
Read: "Arm'd & Dangerous"https://t.co/htw8K6qq1Y
Just as legitimate software developers have adjusted to Apple's ARM transition, so too have malware distributors. A few months after its November release, native M1 malware is already here. https://t.co/Bn9U2LzNpr
— WIRED (@WIRED) February 17, 2021
malware authors are already developing versions of their tools to run natively on Apple’s M1 chips https://t.co/Sw45ttjEBM
— Lily Hay Newman (@lilyhnewman) February 17, 2021
#cybersecurity #infosec
— Archon Security (@archonsec) February 17, 2021
Malware Is Now Targeting Apple’s New M1 Processor
More ? https://t.co/dmMRux68Vh@chuckdbrooks @mclynd @DrJDrooghaag @digitalcloudgal @fogle_shane @Fabriziobustama @AghiathChbib @gvalan @_SChmielewski @antgrasso @AkwyZ @PVynckier @avrohomg
Apple's new M1 (ARM) processor was effectively immune from malware... only because it didn't exist.
— Tim Medin (@TimMedin) February 17, 2021
Whelp, now it does.
"Two distinct strains of malware have already adjusted to the new silicon just months after its debut."https://t.co/4gJt0ZvywS
Malware Is Now Targeting Apple’s New M1 Processor #CyberAttack #security https://t.co/QiFlHXHZYZ
— Bob Carver ✭ (@cybersecboardrm) February 17, 2021
#malware Is Now Targeting Apple's New M1 Processor https://t.co/9MvXqFpSI4
— SeCuRe CyBeR (@Sec_Cyber) February 17, 2021
The first Mac malware for M1 chips has been found -- here's what you need to do (h/t @lorenzofb @patrickwardle @thomasareed) https://t.co/D16H3CRcGe
— Paul Wagenseil (@snd_wagenseil) February 17, 2021
The M1 Malware Has Arrived https://t.co/ARMXEyolC9
— switched (@switch_d) February 17, 2021
This didn't take long:
— Rey Bango (@reybango) February 17, 2021
M1 Malware Has Arrived
"Security researcher Patrick Wardle published a blog detailing that he’d found a malicious program dubbed GoSearch22, a Safari browser extension that’s been reworked for Apple’s M1 processor."https://t.co/t1UxYprTnU via @gizmodo
애플실리콘에서 네이티브로 구동되는 악성코드의 첫 사례가 발견됐다는 기사 https://t.co/oH1A5dreD5
— H. Kim (@metavital) February 18, 2021
원래 x86에서 구동되는 사파리용 애드웨어 확장프로그램인 GoSearch22가 애플실리콘용으로 만들어져 전파되고 있는 사례
Apple M1-native malware has already begun to appear | Ars Technica https://t.co/vGtpoUMglM
— Irvin Lemus (@InfoSecIrvin) February 18, 2021
보안 연구원, 애플 M1 칩에서 실행되도록 특별히 맞춤형으로 고안된 멀웨어 발견해
— Wan Ki Choi (@wkchoi) February 18, 2021
- 해커들은 출시된지 몇 달밖에 되지 않은 M1 맥을 표적으로 삼고 있어
- 맥 보안 연구원 패트릭 워들은 강력한 M1 칩을 위해 특별히 고안된 악성 앱을 발견했다고 보고해https://t.co/cFO2cNMQx5